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NSO 2024 Exam Pattern - Details


NSO Exam Pattern and Selection Process

NSO 2024 Exam Pattern vivid details will be detailed out in this section. Students willing to attempt NSO 2024 must go through this exam pattern details and get informed about other key details of NSO 2024.


The National Science Olympiad (NSO) is a science competition open to children in grades one through twelve. 


The National Science Olympiad exam pattern is determined by the Science Olympiad Foundation. Students must familiarize themselves with the exam pattern of the NSO before attempting to appear in the exam. The NSO exam pattern is crucial as it helps the students paint a picture of the actual exam day. The exam pattern of the NSO entails the question paper pattern, the marking scheme of the various sections, the number of questions per section, etc. Students can develop a foolproof preparation strategy for the exam if they are aware of the NSO exam pattern 2024. The article below provides a complete insight into the NSO exam pattern and students are advised to go through the same.

NSO Exam 204-25 - Eligibility Criteria

National Science Olympiad (NSO) is organized to enhance reasoning, analytical and problem-solving skills in students in the field of science. NSO is the best platform for students to enhance their knowledge and can showcase their talent in the science stream. Since it is assessed based on science subjects SOF-NSO is a better platform for all the students who have a higher interest in science and are excited about learning new terms and innovations in science and technology.

The eligibility criteria for the exam are as follows -

  • Students in grades 1 through 12 are eligible to apply for the entire year of SOF NSO 2024-25.

  • Students can apply only once a year.

  • For the NSO exam 2024-25, each school should enroll a minimum of 10 students.


 The following students are eligible for the 2nd level exam:

  • The top 5% of students in each class who take the 1st level exam

  • The top 25% of students in each state who take the 1st level exam

  • If at least 10 students from a class take the exam and score 50% or higher, the class topper from each participating school


Students in classes 1 and 2 are not required to take the second-level exam and are instead ranked based on their first-level performance. The NSO is a single-level test.

NSO 2024-25 Exam Registration Process

The NSO 2024-25 Registration Process is very easy. For a simpler understanding, go through the table below:



Step 1

SOF registered schools receive the prospectus and application forms for students

Step 2

Schools distribute the application forms to students to fill

Step 3

Students fill the application forms and submit the same with a fee of INR 125

Step 4

Schools return the  duly filled application forms and the fees to SOF within the due date

Step 5

Students are assigned a roll number by the coordinating teacher

Step 6

Students can download the NSO admit card from the official website, a week before the exam. Hall tickets will also be sent to students’ registered Email ID and mobile number.

NSO 2024-25 Important Dates - Exam and Result

The Science Olympiad Foundation has published the NSO 2024-25 Exam dates along with the tentative result dates. Students can also find the answer key release details below.


Answer Key Release


  • There are 3 dates schools can choose for the conduction of NCO Exam.

  • The school can select either of these  3  dates - 18th October 2024, 12st November 2024 & 3rd  December 2024.

  • The downloadable answer keys to questions will be released by SOF 3-4 weeks after the NSO Exam.

  • The answer keys for NSO  will be released separately for set A and Set B. 

  • NSO Results are expected to be  declared within 8 weeks of each Exam. 

  • The results are sent to schools as well as uploaded on the official website.

NSO Results

The results of the NSO 2024-25 examination will be released in around two months from the date of the examination. In most cases, SOF's results include the student's international rank, zonal rank, and school rank.

SOF not only recognizes kids, but it also recognizes teachers and principals based on their achievements. For the academic year 2024-25, SOF will spend a significant sum on scholarships and rewards to meritorious students.

NSO Exam Paper Pattern & Structure 2024-25

The following table content includes several questions for different sections, total marks and marking scheme, We’ve made this table for the convenience of NSO-2024-25 aspirants, who usually get confused with the exam pattern.



No of Questions

Marks for Each Question

Total Marks


Logical Reasoning








Achievers Section




Grand Total




Logical Reasoning








Achievers Section




Grand Total




Physics & Chemistry




Achievers Section








Grand Total



NSO 2024-25 Mock Papers

The NSO cut-off will be released in January 2024-25. However, to ensure that students are able to score well regardless of the knowledge of the cut-off  marks, Vedantu has made available in its website  NSO mock papers for students. These sample papers will aid the participating students in scoring good marks. The students can practice these sample papers to get an idea about the type of questions to be asked. This will also help the students to time themselves efficiently for the test.

NSO 2024-25 Preparation tips

Appearing for your NSO Exam can be unnerving. This is why Vedantu brings you tips that can aid you in scoring well in the Exam.

  1. Be thorough with the NSO Syllabus. 

  2. Go through the Exam structure and pattern.

  3. Identify your tough spots and work on them more.

  4. Take help of relevant books for concept clarity.

  5. To become more efficient in your preparation, create and follow a time table.

  6. Take regular breaks.

  7. Practise sample papers and time yourself.

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FAQs on NSO 2024 Exam Pattern - Details

1. What is the application process for the NSO exam?

The application form is filled offline and exams happen offline too. All schools registered with SOF receive a prospectus for SOF NSO 2024-25, which includes registration materials. To fill out the NSO application form, students should contact their particular institutions.

The schools will subsequently send the completed registration forms, along with the application costs, to SOF within the deadlines provided. The coordinating teacher assigned to each school will produce the pupils' roll numbers. They will also submit a copy of the students' roll numbers. It is required that each school enrol at least 10 students for the NSO exam 2024-25.

2. Why should a student be part of the National Science Olympiad?

Students that take Olympiad examinations are graded based on their performance. Students can evaluate themselves academically at four different levels after taking the first level of the test: within the school, at the local level, at the Zonal level, and, most importantly, at the international level. Each student receives a Student Performance Report (SPR), which analyses the student's strong and weak areas. There is also a review of the student's previous years' performance. Students are also recognised based on their global, zonal, and school rankings. Annually, cash awards, medals, presents, certificates, and other prizes are announced.  A total of Rs 18 crores was spent on prizes, felicitations, scholarships, and other expenses in the fiscal year 2024-25.

3. How does Vedantu help in preparing for the NSO exam?

Vedantu has the best collection of study material one needs to prepare for exams. The study materials are present on the website as well as a mobile app and they can be downloaded from elsewhere. The format is PDF and the study material is free of cost. Vedantu also provides live sessions by experts from around the world on its platform. All the students can have easy access to all the sessions. This makes it easy for a student to directly interact with experts and clear their doubts.

4. What is level 1 of the NSO exam?

Level 1: During school hours, the first level of the test is held in the participants' schools. The level 1 competition is a 60-minute objective-type test with 35 objective-type (Multiple Choice) questions for grades 1 to 4 and 50 objective-type (Multiple Choice) questions for grades 5 to 12.

There are three components to the question paper:

For students in Class 1 to 10

  • Section 1- Logical Reasoning

  • Section 2- Science

  • Section 3- Achievers Section

For students in grades 11 and 12,

  • Section 1- Physics and Chemistry

  • Section 2- Achiever section

  • Section 3- Biology/Mathematics

Each Exam date has its own set of question papers. The test is conducted in English. Syllabus from the CBSE, ICSE/ISC, and State Boards are used to create the exam papers. The exam is held throughout the school day.

5. How can students proceed to Level 2 of NSO?

Students in classes 3 to 12 participate in level 2. The following would be the qualifiers for the second round:

The top 5% of candidates in each class that takes the 1st level exam. In the event of a tie, the marks earned in various parts will be given equal weight. Each section is given its weighting. Top 25 rank holders in each class and zone. When at least ten students from a class take the exam and score 50% or higher, they are considered the class topper. If registration is received by section, the highest rank holder, regardless of section, will be eligible for the second level. For sectional registrations, the winner(s) of the gold medal may or may not be eligible for the second level.