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NSO 2024-25 Result


NSO Result 2024-25

The SOF declares the NSO results for all the students who participated in the exam. The results of NSO are usually declared after two weeks of the conduct of the examination. The NSO results of the students are sent to the participating schools. Additionally, to make the result checking process hassle-free, they are also released online on the official website of the SOF. The NSO results 2024-25 for the Level 1 exam are likely to be announced in the last week of January 2025, given the timeline of the exam dates. In accordance with this timeline, students can expect the Level 2 NSO 2024-25 results to be declared by March 2025.

NSO Result - How to Check

Students can check their NSO result online by following the steps mentioned below:

  • Step-1: Visit the official website of SOF.

  • Step-2: Click on the results tab flashing on the front screen.

  • Step-3: In the select olympiad drop-down, choose NSO.

  • Step-4: Enter your roll number in the required format (Your school code - class - roll number).

  • Step-5: Solve the captcha given below.

  • Step-6: Click on View results.

  • Step-7: Your result will be displayed on your screen 

  • Step-8: You can print a copy of the result for future reference.

Details on SOF NSO Level 1 Result

SOF NSO Level 1 Result 2024-25 will consist of the following details mentioned in it.

  • Name of Student

  • Class of Student

  • Section

  • Name of School

  • Roll number

  • Secured Marks

  • International Rank

  • Zone/ State Rank

  • International award won

  • School award won

  • Zonal award won

NSO Result 2024-25 : Tie-Breaking Criteria

In the NSO result 2024-25, if two or more students have the same scores, then, in this case, a student who has scored higher marks in the section with higher priority will be awarded the higher rank. The priority of the different sections is given below.

Priority Level for Class 1st to 10th

Priority Level



Achievers Section



Priority Level for Class 11th and 12th

Priority Level



Achievers Section







SOF NSO Result 2024-25 - SPR

National Science Olympiad (NSO) is one of the most sought olympiads of our country. Conducted under the auspices of the Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF), NSO is conducted every year for students of Class 1st - 12th. The main aim of conducting this Olympiad is to identify and encourage students with a keen interest in science.

One of the key features which differentiate NSO from various other science Olympiads is the detailed SPR (Student Performance Report). After the exam is over, Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF), it takes around 8 weeks to deliver the results to the respective schools of the students.  

The Student Performance Report (SPR) provides an in-depth analysis of how the students fared in the NSO Level 1 exam. All the NSO participants receive an SPR. This helps the students or their parents to understand their performance and identify the areas where they excel and where they need to put in more effort. SPR comprises six sections overall which include:

Student Performance Report (SPR)




Marks and rank scored by the student in International, Zone, City and School Level


Performance score of each of the sections of the question paper


Correct answers to the questions vs the answers marked by the students. A comparison is also drawn between the student’s answers with other students at the Zonal and International Level.


Student’s percentage score analysis at International, Zone, Class and City Level.


Comparison of average marks at the four different levels


Student’s progress report analysis in the NSO exams (up to 8 years)

NSO Result - Cut-off

A large number of school students participate in the exam across India. Before the announcement of the NSO results 2024-25 Level 1, SOF will publish NSO 2024-25 cut-off marks. Students qualifying for the Level 1 exam as per the NSO result cut-off marks are considered eligible to participate in the Level 2 examination. Students from Class 3 to 12 who qualify for the NSO Level 1 exams appear in the NSO level 2 test.

The NSO exam is all set to be held on 18th October 2024, 12th November 2024 & 3rd December 2024. This exam which is conducted by the Science Olympiad Foundation is one of a kind of exam where each student will be able to show their abilities and get rewarded for the same. Such competitions allow students to study and earn great rewards. There are about 10 lakhs of students who participate in this exam every year, which makes this no less of a competitive one. The registrations are open for students from grade 1 to grade 12, thirty days prior to the exam, and those who qualify for the Level 1 exam are allowed to attend the Level 2 exam.

NSO 2024-25 Eligibility Criteria

NSO requires no specific eligibility criteria for participation. Students studying in standards 1-12 can appear for the exam.

NSO 2024-25 Important Dates

The Science Olympiad Foundation has published the NSO 2024-25 Exam dates along with the tentative result dates on their website. The answer key release details are also given below.


Answer Key Release


  • There are 3 dates schools can choose for the conduction of NCO Exam.

  • The school can select either of these  3  dates - 18th October 2024, 12st November 2024 & 3rd  December 2024.

  • The downloadable answer keys to questions will be released by SOF 3-4 weeks after the NSO Exam.

  • The answer keys for NSO  will be released separately for set A and Set B. 

  • NSO Results are expected to be  declared within 8 weeks of each Exam. 

  • The results are sent to schools as well as uploaded on the official website.

NSO 2024-25 Exam Registration Process

The stepwise NSO 2024-25 Registration Process is given below. The students can go through it for easy understanding.



Step 1

SOF registered schools receive the prospectus and application forms for students

Step 2

Schools distribute the application forms to students to fill

Step 3

Students fill the application forms and submit the same with a fee of INR 125

Step 4

Schools return the  duly filled application forms and the fees to SOF within the due date

Step 5

Students are assigned a roll number by the coordinating teacher

Step 6

Students can download the NSO admit card from the official website, a week before the exam. Hall tickets will also be sent to students’ registered Email ID and mobile number.

NSO Exam Paper Pattern & Structure 2024-25

It is important to be aware of the NSO Exam Paper Pattern before students start preparing for the exam. This will help them to be familiar with the topics that can come in the paper.  The following table will aid the students appearing for NSO-2024-25 in getting an overview of the exam pattern.



No of Questions

Marks for Each Question

Total Marks


Logical Reasoning








Achievers Section




Grand Total





Logical Reasoning








Achievers Section




Grand Total




Physics & Chemistry




Achievers Section








Grand Total




NSO 2024-25 Mock Papers

The NSO cut-off will be released in January 2024-25. However, to ensure that students are able to score well regardless of the knowledge of the cut-off  marks, Vedantu has made available in its website NSO mock papers for students. These sample papers will aid the participating students in scoring good marks. The students can practise these sample papers to get an idea about the type of questions to be asked. This will also help the students to time themselves efficiently for the test.

NSO 2024-25 Preparation tips

NSO 2024-25 can seem a little daunting. Therefore, Vedantu brings you tips that can aid you in scoring well in the NSO Exam.

  1. Be thorough with the NSO Syllabus.

  2. Go through the Exam structure and pattern.

  3. Identify your tough spots and work on them more.

  4. Take help of relevant books for concept clarity.

  5. To become more efficient in your preparation, create and follow a time table.

  6. Take regular breaks.

  7. Practise sample papers and time yourself.

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FAQs on NSO 2024-25 Result

1. What is the NSO Answer Key?

The Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) releases the answer key of NSO in online mode at official sites. Students can download the NSO answer keys 2024-25 from the official sites and check their probable scores. Many coaching institutes also release the NSO 2024-25 answer key for SET A & B right after the commencement of the exam. The NSO answer key 2024-25 comprises correct answers to each question asked in the exam. Students can calculate the expected marks obtained in the SOF NSO exam with the help of the answer key.

2. How to Prepare For NSO Exams?

Here are a few tips to prepare for the NSO exams:

  • If you are appearing for NSO, then prepare for answering questions of varying difficulty levels that test your logical and observational skills.

  • Solving sample papers will give you a fair idea of the pattern of the questions asked. They are also good for improving the speed to attempt the paper in a limited amount of time.

  • You must thoroughly study course books suggested by your board like ICSE, CBSE or State Board.

3. What are the Factors Determining NSO Cut off?

The NSO cutoff marks vary due to the various factors listed below:

  • The total number of applications received.

  • A total number of students who appeared in the NSO examination.

  • The difficulty level of the question paper.

4. What is the NSO Exam Paper Pattern?

The NSO exam pattern is determined by the SOF and it varies for different classes. For classes 1 to 4, a total of 35 questions are asked and the time duration is one hour. While for classes 5 to 12, a total of 50 questions are asked and the total time duration remains the same, that is one hour. The medium of the NSO exam is English. NSO is conducted during school hours only. According to the NSO exam pattern 2024-25 level 1, the question paper consists of three sections. The sections for Classes 1 to 10 include - Logical Reasoning, Science, Achievers Section while for Class 11 and 12, they are - Chemistry/Physics, Achievers Section, Biology/Mathematics.

5. How frequently is the NSO exam conducted, and can I attend another exam once I appear already?

This NSO exam is conducted annually by SOF and hence you will get a chance to participate in the event each year as long as you are within the stated category. You can also appear for the exam more than once as there are no limitations to the same. A student might also be able to develop additional skills apart from the syllabi which makes it of great use ahead. Hence attending such competitive exams gives a lot of knowledge as well.

6. What is the admission process to enter the SOF NSO exam?

It is a month prior to the exam that the organizing bodies sent the NSO exam prospectus which consists of details about the exam and what will be the exam pattern and what awards you get once you win the exam. This prospectus is then handed over to the students and then the applications are accepted along with the filling in of the application fee. It is also considered mandatory that each school sends at least 10 students, who will participate in the competition to be eligible for the same.

7. What are some tips to get higher SOF NSO results?

In order to get higher NSO results, here are some of the tips that will help you study better:

  • Check the syllabus of the NSO exam beforehand so that you start preparing for the exam even before the registration dates are out.

  • Make sure you are familiar with the exam pattern, and if you have any doubts about the concepts, head over to Vedantu for doubt clearance.

  • Practice more by using sample papers and by solving the past years’ papers that will help you get an idea about what sort of questions to expect.

  • Lastly, make sure you remain calm and be prepared thoroughly for the exam. Being nervous or anxious will not help the situation.

8. What are the terms and conditions involved in competing for the NSO exam 2024-25?

In order to compete for the NSO exam 2024-25, the following terms and conditions must be followed:

  • There will be an additional charge of about Rs. 25 per student being collected in addition to the registration charges due to the administration charges being involved. 

  • The NSO exam will be conducted only during school hours

  • There will be papers set for each class, which will be different for each class. 

  • The medium of the test which shall be conducted will only be in English and no other native language will be involved in the test. 

9. What are the selection criteria involved and what are the International level awards that are received by the rank holders in NSO?

The only criteria that are involved are done on the basis of the marks obtained in the NSO exam and the performance in the Olympiad. Both of these will be considered in order to rank the students. Once the students are ranked at the international level, the following rewards are awarded:

  • The first 12 rank holders will be awarded a total of INR 50,000 each along with a gold medal and a certificate that states the outstanding performance of the candidates. 

  • Those ranked between 13 to 24 rank holders will be awarded INR 25,000 each along with a silver medal and a certificate that states the outstanding performance in the Olympiad. 

  •  The last section of students who rank from 25 to 36 rank holders will obtain INR 10,000 each along with a bronze medal and a certificatethat states the candidates’ performances.