SOF Olympiad: Exam Dates, Registration, and Other Details (Updated)
FAQs on Check Important Details of SOF Olympiad 2024-25
1. What are the essential books for the SOF Exam?
The syllabus for SOF exam suggests that they follow the curriculum of ICSE, CBSE and various state boards. Therefore, students who aspire to participate in this exam can read their textbooks as their primary material for exam preparations. Along with it, they can refer to other specialised SOF Olympiad books to learn reasoning and other topics. Also, candidates can follow the previous year questions and online test packages to improve their preparation. Along with these, there are various foundation course materials available for the classes of 6,7,8,9 and 10 that can also assist aspirants.
2. Which SOF Exams have two levels?
As you already know, there are three SOF exams, but not all of them have two levels. Only NSO, IMO and IEO have two levels. The qualification criteria are stringent in this exam. At the school level, students who score a minimum of 50% marks in level one (provided at least 10 students appeared for the test) will be eligible for the second level. At the zonal level, the top 25 rank holders from level one will proceed to level 2. Lastly, at an international level, the top 5% of the students who have appeared in the first level will then move to the second level.
3. What is the International English Olympiad of IEO?
The International English Olympiad (IEO) is an annual English-language learning competition in which students of any age or level of proficiency compete against other students in their age group or level. It is directed by the Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) as a team with the British Council. The substance of the tests is intended to concentrate on correspondence and utilisation of the English language, rather than repetition learning.
4. What is the National Science Olympiad or NSO?
National Science Olympiad is the international educational program for K-12 students, Grades 5-12, developed by the National Science Foundation (NSF) to make science cool. The NSO brings cutting-edge science and technology activities to students around the world. Projects are available in Maths, Computer Programming, Engineering, Medicine and Health Sciences, the Environment, Astronomy and Space Sciences. They are designed for students who want to know more about cutting-edge research opportunities that can be found at their local college or university. The projects are research-based, hands-on, and encourage students to think like scientists. National Science Olympiad projects require late night/early morning sessions.
5. What is the International Mathematics Olympiad or IMO?
The International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO) is the most prestigious of international mathematics competitions. It is organised by the International Mathematical Olympiad and it is held yearly. Understudies showing up for the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) test should follow the IMO 2024-25 schedule for Class 2 to 12. SOF recommended the schedule of IMO 2024 that comprises marks distribution, segments, and significant themes and so on. Understudies can design their investigations with the assistance of IMO schedule 2024 to effectively clear the IMO test.