Introduction to Average Velocity
Science is one of the most dynamic subjects for the students to study and understand the concept of basic yet important things of our universe that surrounds us, in our everyday lives. Science makes it easier for students to learn the why behind every what and how. This fills their heart with joy and excitement as students can directly see the relevance of their learning in everyday life. For students, Science is divided into three main sub-subjects namely, Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
Physics is the study of matter that involves observation of the behaviour of the universe. Physics is the most dynamic subject in the stream of Science. This subject deals with important topics of everyday life like Reflection and refraction of light, Lens and Mirror, Energy and Resources, The study of Carbon and so on. As a result, students find Physics to be one of the most interesting and fun subjects for the students.
What is Average Velocity - Definition and Formula
The term motion can be described by using some physical quantity terms like speed, velocity, distance, displacement, and acceleration. The proper description of motion was given by Sir Isaac Newton. All these quantities are described concerning one parameter, that is time. Here, we discuss average velocity and its mathematical representation along with its graphical representation.
Average Velocity Definition
The word average simply means, the ratio of the sum of quantities to the total number of quantities. In Physics, a different approach is taken. Now before understanding average velocity, let us understand what velocity exactly is and what speed is and how these two are connected.
The speed of an object refers to the change in position of that object concerning time. Velocity on the other hand is nothing, but the speed defined concerning the direction in which an object travels.
We will dive into detail about the difference between speed and velocity, for now, let's come back to the average velocity.
Now average velocity according to the definition is the ratio of the displacement from point a to point b of an object to the time it takes to make that displacement from point a to point b. It may be noted that we use the term movement instead of distance to emphasise the direction.
Algebraically and average velocity is defined as, v = \[\frac{d}{t}\]
where d is the displacement and t is the time taken for that displacement.
For a short interval of time, the average velocity can be calculated as follows:
VA = \[\frac{(y_0+\Delta y)-y_0)}{\Delta t}\]
where y0 is the position of an object at time t and (y0+Δy) is its position in the same direction after an increase of time by Δt.
When we take the limit as Δt→0, then it becomes dy/dt, the average velocity turns into instantaneous velocity at time t.
When an object undergoes a change in velocities at different times, the average velocity is determined by the total sum of all the velocities at different instances divided by the number of total times. For example, if an object has different velocities v1, v2, v3, vn, at times t = t1, t2, t3, tn, then the average velocity is given by,
VA = \[\frac{[v_1+v_2+v_3.....+v_n]}{n}\]
Difference between Average Speed and Average Velocity
Previously we explained what speed is and what is velocity and what is the difference between the two.
Speed is a quantity that is scalar and velocity is a vector quantity.
Now, for example, we talk about a car running at a speed of 80 miles per hour with no reference to its direction then we are talking about its speed. Whereas if we say that a car is running at a speed of 80 miles per hour towards the northeast then we are referring to its velocity. Time will always be a scalar quantity and the direction of displacement will be the direction of velocity.
Let us take another example to get a better understanding of this concept.
Take for example a car travelling towards the east at a speed of 80 km per hour for 2 hours and at the same speed for one hour but in the direction of the west, which is the opposite direction to earlier.
Now the total distance travelled is 80 × 2 + 80 × 1 = 180 km and the total time taken is 3 hours. Therefore, the average speed is 1803 = 80 km per hour. But when you calculate the displacement of the car, the net displacement is 80 ×2 – 80 × 1 = 80 km towards the east. Therefore, the average velocity is 803 = 20 km per hour towards the east.
Average Velocity Formula
When we take out the average value of a given number of velocities it is known as average velocity. Average velocity is the displacement of an object over time. To find the average speed of an object we divide the distance travelled by the time elapsed. We know that velocity is a vector quantity and average velocity can be found by dividing displacement by time.
The units used for velocity can be derived from its definition i.e. metres/second (standard SI unit) or any distance unit upon any time unit.
If the velocity of a body is varying continuously for a given period it can be very helpful to determine the average velocity of that object to get an idea of its total journey.
Average Velocity Formula Mathematical Description
It is given by Vav. The formula of average velocity involves total displacement and total time taken for that displacement.
For any positions, xi and xf along with their corresponding time intervals ti and tf are specified, we use the formula that is given below
Formula Here
xi = Initial position,
xf = Final position,
tf –ti = time interval
Finding Average Velocity
To calculate average velocity first we need to find out the net displacement of a given object during its entire motion. The initial direction of the motion of the object indicated in the question is taken as its direction for the entire course until specified.
The following diagram will make the concept of average velocity clearer.
Suppose an object is travelling at a distance d1 in a given time t1, d2 in a time t2, and d3 in a time t3, as shown above. It should be well-known that the distances travelled are not in similar directions. d1 + d2 + d3 is the total distance but it is not the net displacement. The net displacement of the projections of d2 and d3, in the direction of d1, is d2 + d3 and hence the net displacement is d1 + d2 + d3. Therefore, in the above-given case, the average velocity can be found by,
Vav = \[\frac{[d_1+d_2+d_3]}{[t_1+t_2+t_3]}\]
and in general,
Vav= \[\frac{[d_1+d_2+......+d_n]}{[t_1+t_2+......+t_n]}\] .
One thing to be noted here is that if the velocity formed in the diagram is taking the shape of an obtuse angle then the said velocity will come out in negative values.
The Magnitude of Average Velocity
Vector quantities always have a direction and magnitude and since we have defined velocity as a vector quantity, therefore, it has both magnitude and direction. If in any case the direction of an object is ignored, the datum of the average velocity is taken to be the magnitude of the average velocity. One thing to remember here is that, while calculating an average velocity for a given object where data of velocities has been given for different time intervals, you need to ignore the direction not at computation but only at the final stage.
Now recall the formula we derived for taking out average velocity in the last section.
Average Velocity
For an object that has n number of velocities in n number of consecutive time intervals, the magnitude of the average velocity can be given by,
Magnitude of Vav = \[\frac{[d_1+d_2+......+d_n]}{[t_1+t_2+......+t_n]}\]
Average Angular Velocity
Till now we have been discussing the average velocities in the case of linear motions, i.e., objects moving away from or towards a given point in the straight line. But learning about circular motion is equally important. In a circular motion, an object moves around a point in a circular path. The best example of this is the motion of rotating wheels.
In the case of motion which is circular, a term called angular velocity can be defined. An angular velocity can be measured in terms of the angle covered by the object in circular motion per unit time. We normally denote an angular velocity by the Greek letter ω. The direction of angular velocity is limited to a clockwise or anti-clockwise direction. The data will be referred to as angular speed in case of the absence of direction.
Therefore, the definition of average angular velocity is:
ω = \[\frac{\theta }{t}\],
where θ is the angle rotated in the time t
When we talk about angular velocity, there are only two possible outcomes, the computation of average velocity is simpler. It is either of the two- positive or negative. As a convention, the counterclockwise direction is considered as positive and the clockwise direction as negative. The basic unit of angular velocity is radians per unit time, mostly, radians are per second. It may be kept in mind that one revolution means covering an angle of 2π radians.
In this case also, when different angular velocities occur at different times, the average angular velocity is found by this given formula.
ωav = \[\frac{[\theta _1+\theta _2+.....+\theta _n]}{[t_1+t_2+....+t_n]}\] (if time intervals are consecutive.)
Key Points to remember to make Notes and excel in Average Velocity and Other related Topics of Class 11 Physics
Students who wish to score high marks in exams but find it difficult to understand the process always look for some hacks and easy shortcuts to get good marks in exams through learning creatively and effectively. Although, consistency and daily practice beats no hack to score high marks in exams. But for last minute reading and for the gap between exam days, below are some strategies that can be used by students to learn more in less time and score more.
1) Read and read it again
Read the concept of Average Velocity in your language to understand and learn about Average velocity. In this regard, students can read NCERT notes, and Reference notes on Average Velocity available at Vedantu.
2) Write and make your own notes
This is an important part of learning Average velocity as it requires the students to solve the equations and remember important formulae that will only be remembered by writing and making your own notes.
3) Revision and Solving Question Papers
Revision neats the learning and solving previous year's question papers and sample question papers helps the students to prepare for the exam pattern. Students are also advised to read important questions on Average Velocity a day before the exam available at Vedantu, for free.
It is therefore important to nourish and flourish their creativity with the most suitable and apt study material available. With this intention, Vedantu provides quality study material to learn from the best and experienced teachers. Interested students can download the Vedantu app or register at vedantu.com now!
FAQs on Average Velocity
1.How long will it take for the students of Physics to read, understand and learn about the topic of the Average velocity of Physics?
Students of Physics will require a bare minimum of 1 hour or 60 minutes to read, understand and grasp the topic of Average velocity and the idea completely and without fail. This will help students in their further education of Physics as well for this is an important topic that constitutes a decent weightage in exams. In this context, students can tap into the free reservoir of quality educational material that constitutes NCERT solutions, topic wise explanations in the reference books like Lakhmir Singh and Exemplar etc. and several Revision notes and keynotes along with the Important Questions of each topic in all the subjects of all classes including Physics for the students of CBSE, ICSE, RBSE and other state boards.
2.Which classes include the topic of Average velocity for the students of Physics in their syllabus?
Students of Class 9, 11 and 12 can find the topic of Average velocity in their syllabus with a decent weightage in the marking scheme as well. As a result, students are required to read and understand this topic at its best. To learn more about this and all the other topics, register at vedantu.com to kickstart your best learning experience and academic adventure now!
3.What are the other courses available at Vedantu for students to learn Average Velocity and other related topics of Physics?
Apart from the IIT JEE foundation and crash course, Vedantu also provides online foundation courses for students of class 6 to 8 by expert teachers for the preparation of Average Velocity and the other relevant topics of Physics. Vedantu also provides Crash Courses for the students of Grade 10 to study and prepare for the important subjects like Physics with the important topics like Average Velocity. Vedantu also provides a set of Micro courses for the students to learn and Practice important topics like average velocity. Moreover, students can also refer to the Vedantu 9 & 10 Youtube channel to understand difficult terms in the topic of Average Velocity. Download Vedantu to start your success journey now!