What is a Carbon Resistor?
Resistors are a basic component compound found in electrical gadgets. Limitations in the passage current in a circuit are caused by resistors. A carbon resistor is known to be a fixed form of the resistor. Resistance per initially manufactured without coating. In the construction of carbon resistors, carbon films and metals over a ceramic career are used in bulk. Carbon resistors vary in physical sizes and their power dissipation limits range from 1 watt to ⅛ watts.
A carbon resistor is a fixed form of a resistor. The resistor has been in existence for over a hundred years. In the beginning, the resistors that were produced were without coating. The only type of available resistors was that of wire wound and carbon composition. The resistor is made of fine carbon fragments, with a binder in a cylindrical shape and baked with terminal lead at the opposite end are known as carbon resistors.
These carbon composition resistors are widely utilized in electrical circuits, and the majority of the resistors are made of metal or carbon films over a ceramic carrier. The most significant advantage of the carbon resistor is its ability to withhold high energy pulses. The carbon resistors' entire body conducts the energy for the electric current flowing through them. The carbon resistor is available in different physical sizes having a power dissipation limit from 1 watt down to ⅛ watt.
Carbon Resistor Definition
Many of the materials like nichrome, brass, platinum, and tungsten, which are metal, and alloys are used to produce the resistance. But most of these metals have low electrical resistance compared to carbon resistors, as it makes it difficult to produce high resistance without making the resistor bulky. It is already known that resistance is directly proportional to the product of the length and resistivity of the resistor. As the carbon resistor can produce a high accuracy value of resistance, it is usually used to calibrate the resistance. Carbon resistors are cheap, compact, and they can be directly added to the circuit boards like that of a tablet, mobile phones, and laptop processors. Due to all these practical purposes, they are more preferred as the metal wires are more expensive to produce compared to carbon, which is available in large quantities. Within the practical requirement, the resistance is reproduced by the carbon resistors.
Construction of Carbon Resistor
Though a variety of materials could construct carbon resistor, some parts of the carbon resistor are mentioned below
Ceramic core
Carbon film
Nickel Cap
Copper lead
Protective epoxy layer
The internal structure of the carbon resistor is shown in the below diagram. The carbon resistors are manufactured by using the deposition process. In this process, the carbon film is deposited upon the ceramic body of the resistor. The carbon film restricts the current flow, and as a result, it is an imperative part of the resistor. At a high temperature of 1000°C, hydrocarbons like methane or benzene are cracked. The ceramic mould acts as an insulator to the high temperature or electricity, and pure graphite (carbon) is used for distribution on the ceramic body. The presence of the carbon film makes the resistor withstand the electricity without any damage. The diagram below is the schematic construction of a carbon resistor.
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In the above figure, it is observed that the carbon film is in helical shape as it helps to accurately resist this carbon resistor. It also helps the effectiveness of the resistor with the decrease in the width and increase in the length. As mentioned earlier, resistance is directly proportional to the distance; the value of the resistor can also be altered by increasing or decreasing the length of the spiral carbon film. For the protection of the resistor, an epoxy coating is also provided. The end portion, as shown in the diagram, is made up of metal, and the connecting leads are made up of copper, which is joined to the metallic ends.
How Does a Carbon Resistor Work?
When people construct an electric or electronic circuit for a particular job, they need to induce the precise amount of resistance in the circuit board. It is achieved by adding the tiny components called the carbon resistor. These components are a little package of resistance that is wired into the circuit so that a precise amount can reduce the flow of current. The tolerance of resistors without being damaged is because of carbon coating. The resistor's efficiency is enhanced by an increase in length and decrease in width. The epoxy coating helps in the protection of resistors. In resistors the metals are used in the end part and copper is used for connecting leads.
A certain amount of resistance must be induced in the circuit board while building an electronic circuit which is implemented by using carbon resistors which are generally small components. These small components are connected to the circuit for resisting the floor to a certain amount. In carbon resistors, the carbon is deposited on a ceramic core and this deposition station is then etched in a spiral transforming it into a wire. For carbon and lead to make an excellent contact, nikle caps are connected to both ends.
What is the Symbol of Carbon Resistor?
In most of the electrical and electronic circuit diagrams, the most frequently used symbol is that of a zig-zag line for a resistor with the value of its resistance denoted by the Ohms. Fixed resistors usually have only one value of the resistance. Still, variable resistors can be provided with an infinite number of resistances, which may vary from zero to their maximum value. Notation is used for Carbon resistors as "CR" (CR10kΩ) and is available in E6(+20% tolerance(accuracy)), E12(+10% tolerance) and E24(+5% tolerance).
Carbon Resistor Symbol
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FAQs on Carbon Resistor
1. What are the Uses of Carbon Resistors?
The uses of carbon resistor are given below: As the carbon resistor is suitable to withstand high energy pulses considering its relatively small size, we are able to be utilized in various applications used in day-to-day life. The operating temperature of the resistor can be up to 350°C and a voltage up to 15KV. A carbon resistor is applied to the power supplies of X-rays, radar systems, and lasers. It is also used in medical defibrillators and other sensitive measurement equipment that is attached to the patient and which needs to be protected against high energy pulse. Carbon resistors can withstand high energy pulses and that is one of the main reasons for their usage or applications.
These are widely used in consumer electronics but due to their low stability, their usage has declined.
The application of carbon resistors includes limitation of current, High Voltage power supply, protection of circuits, welding, strobe lighting etc.
2. What are the Advantages/Disadvantages of carbon resistors?
The carbon resistors are fixed resistors that limit the electric current flow to a particular level. These resistors were in high demand earlier but due to their low stability and high cost, these are rarely used nowadays. Carbon resistors are good conductors of current and they are made up of cylindrical resistor elements. One of the most significant benefits of the Carbon resistor is that it can withstand high energy pulses. The entire body of the carbon resistor conducts the energy when the current flows through it. The carbon resistors are cheaper to make and can have a higher resistance than of wire-wound resistors. The massive drawback of a carbon resistor is its high negative coefficient of resistance which makes the resistance change quickly with the difference in the temperature. As the temperature increases, the resistance decreases for the resistor.
3. What is the Application of a Thermistor?
The conversion of electric voltage from temperature is achieved by using the thermistor.
4. What is the Value of Tolerance of Gold Color Resistance?
The value of tolerance is 5% of the gold colour resistor.
5. What are the Uses of Rheostat?
The uses of rheostat are, it can be used as a variable resistor as well as a potential divider.
6. What is the Tolerance Value of the Silver Strip?
The value of tolerance is ±10% for a silver strip resistor.
7. Why is carbon used as a resistor?
Carbon is used as a resistor because there are only two types of registers in the back of 1960 and those were composed of wirewood and carbon. Thermal mass in carbons is much higher which results in higher energy compatibility. Carbon resistors are generally cheaper and as compared to wirewood carbon resistance can be made with higher resistance.
8. What are the disadvantages of carbon resistors?
Carbon resistors contain various limitations as well. For any modern application, this type of resistor is not suitable because of its low stability. The properties of Carbon resistors are inferior when it comes to voltage dependence noise load and temperature coefficient. The property of carbon resistors when it comes to noise is poor because it contains a mixture of different materials and there is an increase in price level when current flows.
9. What are the three types of resistors?
Various types of resistors vary in functions, properties, composition and characteristics. The three types of resistors are carbon composition resistor which causes less resistance. Carbon resistors are cylindrical in shape save and have a brown body. The next is a carbon film resistor that has tighter and lower tolerances and the last one is a metal film resistor that offers a more precise resistance value.
10. What is a wire-wound resistor?
A wire-wound resistor is a device that limits current flow in a circuit. Wire wound resistors are generally used in high power, circuit breaker uses and industrial applications. These wires are constructed by using a conductive wire that is made up of varying alloys.