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Curie’s Constant

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Curie’s Constant, unlike the others, is dependent on the material property that can relate a material's magnetic susceptibility to its temperature. This was first derived by a physicist named- Marie Curie.

Curie’s law states that the magnetization in a paramagnetic material is directly proportional to the applied magnetic field.

For eg., if we heat any object, its magnetization is said to be inversely proportional to the temperature.

Curie’s Temperature is the temperature at which a ferromagnetic substance or material changes into a paramagnetic substance or material on heating it. This transition is used in the storage of optical media for erasing and inserting new data.

Talking about the physical significance of the Curies constant depends on the effective moments of the ions and hence must be some measures of it. However, it is the same average moment of is the measure of how strongly a material can sustain magnetic alignment despite thermal fluctuations.

What is Curie Weiss Law?

Before proceeding to talk about Curie’s Constant in detail, let us first see what the Curie Weiss law is all about. This law is considered to be one of the pillars of electromagnetism in physics. It intends to calculate the magnetic susceptibility χ or eta of a ferromagnet in the region of paramagnetism that is present above the Curie point. 

Similarly, we can also say that the susceptibility of any given paramagnetic substance is inversely proportional to the excess of its temperature above the Curie point. Below this temperature, the substance stops behaving like a paramagnet. 

What is a Curie?

The Curie is named after the renowned French physicists Pierre and Marie Curie. To put it simply, it is a unit that is used to measure radioactive activity. The unit’s value is 3.7 x 10^10 disintegrations per second. The original definition of a Curie states that it is ‘the quantity or mass of radium emanation in equilibrium with one gram of radium.' Another similar unit of measuring radioactivity is the becquerel. In 1975, a committee meeting was chaired in which the becquerel replaced the Curie as the official radiation unit in the International System of Units (SI).

Curies Constant Represented in SI Unit Form 

C = μ0 μB2 ng2 J( J + 1 )/ 3 kB

Here n= number of magnetic atoms per unit volume

g= lande-g-factor 

j= angular momentum quantum number

Kb = boltzmann’s constant

For a magnetic moment for a two-level system, the formula gets reduced to C = nμ0 μ2 / kB

The expressions in the Gaussian unit are represented as:

C = μB2 ng2 J( J + 1 )/ 3 kBC = n μ2 / kB

The constant is used in Curie’s law which states that magnetization is inversely proportional to temperature for a fixed value of the magnetic field.

M = C B/T

This was discovered by Pierre Curie. The relation between magnetic susceptibility is denoted by X, and magnetization M and applied magnetic field H is almost linear at the low fields then:

X = dM/DH ≈  M/H

This shows that temperature T is inversely related to the magnetization system of non-interacting magnetic moments.

Curies Constant Value

Simply, if we take a cubic lattice there is one atom per unit cell. We now are assuming that each atom carries magnetic moment mu= 2muB with the help of Curies constant we will get that C (that denotes Curies constant) =1.3047 K*A/(T*M).

One of the Very Important Laws in this Topic is Weiss law:

We already know the mathematical representation of the law which is M= C*(B/T). Few terms which help in understanding Curie's law better:

Ferromagnetism: It is the property by which certain materials can form permanent magnets (like iron)

Magnetic Susceptibility: It is the measurement of how much a substance can get magnetized in a magnetic field.

Paramagnetism: When some materials get attracted by the external magnetic field, then this situation is known as paramagnetism.

Permeability: It measures the ability of a substance to support the formation of magnetic fields within itself.

Curie’s Point: It is the point or temperature above which certain substances lose their permanent magnetic property.

Curious Constant: As discussed, it’s the property depending upon the material that relates to materials' magnetic susceptibility and temperature.

Curies Weiss Law: It informs us about the magnetic susceptibility that is denoted by the letter X of a ferromagnet in the paramagnetic region above the Curies point; it is denoted as X= C/T-Tc.

C= Curies constant 

T= absolute temperature

Tc = Curie’s Temperature, both measured in kelvin.

Curie’s Constant Unit 

We define the unit of Curies constant as K*A/(T∗m)

The magnetic moment μθ is a characteristic number that describes the magnetic property of a single atom or a particle molecule etc.

We can easily calculate the value of Curie by dividing the decay rate per second by 3.7 x 10^10; the decay rate is equal to 1 Curie. Taking an example of 1 gram of cobalt -60 is equal to 1119 Curie and it is because  4.141 x 10^13/ 3.7 x 10^10 = 1,119 Ci.

Curie’s Temperature for Some Ferromagnetic Substances

Students should note the Curie temperatures of some important substances that are frequently asked in examinations. The list is given below:

  • The Curie temperature of iron (Fe) is 1043 kelvin. 

  • The Curie temperature of Gadolinium (Gd) is 293 kelvin.

  • The Curie temperature of Nickel (Ni) is 631 kelvin.

Curies Table of Content 

  • Curie's Law of Magnetism 

  • Curious Constant Equation 

Curie's Law of Magnetism: States that magnetization that's M of a paramagnetic substance is directly proportional to the Curies constant which is denoted as C and magnetic field which is denoted as B which is inversely proportional to T that is temperature  writing it in the equation:


C- characteristics susceptibility to magnetic fields of paramagnetic materials. It depends on the strength of the atoms which are forming the substances and on the density of these moments.

Limitations of Curie's Law

There are some failures in these laws like it fails in the Curie’s Weiss law fails to describe the susceptibility of certain materials these and are considered as the behavior in the form 1/T-Tc.

However, at the temperature which is denoted as T,>>Tc the whole expression still holds, however as soon as we replace Tc by temperature which is higher than Curie’s Temperature that C and if T becomes zero, then the susceptibility becomes infinite. 

Sometimes it takes the Weiss constant to distinguish it from the temperature of the Weiss point.

There are a few modifications in these laws: The Weiss law which was for a paramagnetic material that's written as X = M/H= Mμ0/B= C/T.

Where μ0 is called the permeability of free space.

M is called magnetization B= μ0 is called a magnetic field and C is called the material-specific Curies constant.

The total magnetic field for Curies Weiss law is B + lambda M (lambda = Weiss molecular field constant). It clearly shows that magnetic susceptibility is inversely proportional to temperature.

Which is the Weiss law

X= C/T-Tc

When temperature Tc is Tc= C lambda

FAQs on Curie’s Constant

1. Define Curie’s Temperature Tc?

The temperature at which the magnetic core becomes ferromagnetic when it’s below this temperature and when above this temperature becomes paramagnetic. Thus, we can imply that it is the temperature at which a transition between the ferromagnetic and paramagnetic phases of a substance occurs. The Curie point and Curie temperature are almost synonymous terms. Beyond the Curie temperature, magnetic substances lose their ferromagnetic properties and become paramagnetic. This implies that the property of magnetism is lost at a critical temperature. To understand Curie’s Temperature better, read the Curie Weiss law in detail.

2. What’s Curie’s Constant in Contract Magnetic Fields?

Curie’s Constant is a material-dependent property. It relates a material’s magnetic susceptibility to its temperature. In Curie's law the constant is used which states that for a fixed value of a magnetic field, the temperature is inversely proportional to the magnetization of the material. In SI units the Curie constant is generally demonstrated as part of an equation where C stands for the Curie constant, n is the number of magnetic atoms per unit volume, g stands for the Lande g-factor. Similarly, μB is the Bohr magneton whereas kB is the Boltzmann constant. J is used to denote the angular momentum quantum number and μ0 is used to refer to the permeability of free space.

3. What is the value of Curie’s Constant?

Electromagnetism is an important topic from which several questions are asked in examinations. As we have previously mentioned, the Curie Weiss law is one of the pillars of electromagnetism. We know that as part of this law, C stands for Curies constant which gives us the susceptibility of the paramagnetic material to the magnetic field. It depends on a variety of factors such as the strength in atoms due to magnetic momentum and the density of these moments. A simple equation can sum this up clearly for you. This equation is: C =μ0/(3kB) * N / a³ * μ². After a series of extensive calculations, it has been determined that C (that denotes Curies constant) is equal to 1.3047 K*A/(T*M) and you are already aware of what the symbols stand for. 

4. How can students use Vedantu to understand Electromagnetism better?

Vedantu’s expert team of teachers try to make learning accessible to all and provide quality education at nominal or negligible costs. You can check out Vedantu’s website to understand electromagnetism better. Other topics like electrostatics, current electricity, optics, etc. have also been explained in detail. Click on this link to get an overview of what electromagnetism is all about. You can also check out this article on Electromagnets - Definition, Properties, and Uses to delve deeper into the topic. Class and chapter-wise revision notes and mock papers are also given on the Vedantu website. You can refer to all these resources to boost your preparation and improve your exam scores. 

5. What is the difference between ferromagnetic and paramagnetic substances?

Most materials can be classified as diamagnetic, paramagnetic, or ferromagnetic after they are placed in a magnetic field. Paramagnetic materials are those that are slightly attracted by a magnetic field. However, it is important to note that these do not retain the aforementioned magnetic properties after the external magnetic field is removed. The property of paramagnetism is due to the presence of some unpaired electrons. In contrast to this, ferromagnetic substances also have unpaired electrons but they also possess magnetic domains. These substances exhibit a strong attraction to magnetic fields. The difference lies in their ability to retain their magnetic properties after the external field has been removed.