Force and Its Effects
A component’s quality to modify the shape, size, or motion of an object is termed force. In other words, we can say that a force is an influence such as a push, gravity, or friction that causes an object either to change its Velocity or to energy-storing through deformation”. When an object is used, several forces will be acting on it. Here, we are going to discover a few more important topics related to forces, such as the effects of forces, what is meant by contact force, properties of forces, and other important concepts.
Sir Isaac Newton
Sir Isaac Newton PRS (25 December 1642 – 20 March 1726/27[a]) was an English mathematician, physicist, astronomer, alchemist, theologian, and author who was widely regarded as one of the greatest mathematicians and physicists of all time and among the most important scientists. He was a significant player in the Enlightenment thought movement.
Classical mechanics was founded by his book Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy), which was originally published in 1687. Newton also made significant advances to optics, and he shares credit for establishing infinitesimal calculus with German mathematician Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz.
Effects of Forces Explained
A force acting on an object, causes the chosen object to change its size and shape to start moving or decelerate and accelerate. When there’s an interaction between two objects, they exert a force on each other. We can say that these exerted forces are equal in size but opposite in direction. Since we have known that the force is a vector quantity, it has both magnitude and direction. In the cases, when the body is in motion the energy of its motion can be quantified as the momentum of the object that is the product of its velocity mass. And when the body is free to move, its velocity will be changed by the force of action.
Properties of Resultant Force
The resultant force is essential to change the object's velocity. If the resultant force acting on the object is equal to zero, the forces on the object are balanced. Next, if the acting on the object is ‘zero’ then: the object will always remain at a stationary position. In such a case we can say that the object will move at a speed that is steady in a straight line. If the resultant acting force on the object isn’t zero then: the object will be said to be either decelerated or accelerated.
What is Contact Force?
A contact force is a force, which occurs only when the objects are in contact with each other. The contact forces are found everywhere and it is responsible for the most visible interactions between macroscopic collections of matter. In a very simple way, the question of what is contact force can be answered as contact force is any kind of force that requires contact to occur.
What is a contact force example?
The type of force that occurs at the contact of the object is known as contact force. Examples of contact force can be seen in our day-to-day life like pushing a car up the hill, writing your name with a pen, or picking up a textbook from the table. These are all examples of contact force. These are also examples of continuous forces.
Magnitude of Force
The precise measurement of force is significant in many areas, for example, the engine thrust determination, the weighing of which is a structure that is large structures and testing materials. The force of magnitude is measured in Newton. Newton is defined as the force which is required to accelerate a mass of one kilogram at a rate of one meter per second.
The four basic forces found in nature are:
Gravitational Force: It is the attraction of force that is between any two bodies in the universe. It is said to be the weakest of all the forces and also the easiest to observe. It is always said to be attractive and has a range of infinite.
Magnetic Force: It can be said as the force which is between two magnets or we can say force on a placed magnet in a field of magnetic. It can be said as either repulsive or attractive.
The Nuclear Strong Force: It is said to be a strong force with a short range. It is said to be a force that is non-central which acts within the nucleus. It is not along directed with the line joining the centres of the particles interacting.
The Nuclear Force Which is Weak: Its range is known to be shorter than the strong force which is nuclear and this type of force is considered only for certain nuclear processes that are like radioactive beta decay.
State the Various Effects of Force
5 effects of force with examples are stated below:
A Force Can Set Any Stationary Object in Motion - When force is applied to a stationary object, the object tends to move in the direction in which force is applied. For example, when a force is applied to a stationary tennis ball, it will make the ball continue its motion in the direction of the applied force.
A Force Can Either Stop or Slow Down the Moving Object - Force needs to be applied to a moving object either to stop it or to slow down the object. For example, the motion of the moving ball can be stopped by applying external force.
Force is Applied to Change the Direction of Moving Body/Object - The direction of any moving object can be changed by applying the external force on that particular object. For example, the direction of the moving football can be changed by applying force at an angle.
The Shape of an Object Can Also be Changed by the Application of Force - Consider a rod that is circular in shape, by hammering the rod which is applying an external force, the shape of the rod can be turned into a flat sheet.
Force Can be Used to Change the Speed of the Moving Object - When we keep on pedalling the pedal of the bicycle, the speed of the bicycle increases. And when we apply the brake, the speed of the bicycle decreases.
The different effect of force for example is very common in our day-to-day life. Like we walk, we run, we play, we sit or at even times stand. In all of these activities, we have all seen the changing of the motion of the state. We are bringing some of the used objects to rest or we can say bringing it in motion.
Interesting Facts
Since ancient times, mankind has been attracted by the study of bodies in motion and their causes.
Aristotle (284–322 B.C. ), one of Ancient Greece's most prominent wise men, was one of the progenitors of this discipline, and his views were preserved until the Middle Ages.
Galileo Galilei (1564–1642) was able to mathematically characterize motion (Principle of Relativity), but he did not investigate the causes.
Years later, based on Galileo's findings, Isaac Newton (1643 – 1727) defined the sources of motion: forces.
This article has covered most of the important aspects regarding the effects of the force. We learned that, in physics, force is any interaction that, while unchallenged, changes the velocity or shape of an item. In this section, we studied all the related theories on this concept.
FAQs on Effects of Forces
1. What do you mean by contact forces? and what are the types of contact forces?
It is a type of force that acts between two objects, which are physically in contact with others. The different types of contact forces are frictional force, tension force, normal force, air resistance force, applied force, and spring force.
2. Explain the force and the effects of force.
The pull or a push that is experienced by the effects of force on objects with the mass that causes it to change its velocity which it already has is known as force. The Force is an external agent that is capable of changing the state from motion or rest of a particular body. It has a direction or magnitude.
3. Explain what are the effects of force on objects?
A force that we have talked about is acting on an object that may cause the object to change its original shape. To start moving or we can say that at times to stop moving to decelerate or accelerate. When two objects actually interact with each other then we can say that they exert a force on each other and the forces which are equal in size but we can say that are opposite in direction.
4. Mention the Four Effects of Force?
The different effects of force with example is given below:
The force can start the stationary object - The force of the engine used to start the stationary car.
A force can stop the moving object - The force of the brake is used to stop the moving vehicle.
A force can change the direction of the moving object - This force can be seen which playing carrom in the rebound, changes the direction of the striker.
A force can change the shape and size of the moving object - when a piece of aluminium pipe is hammered, it changes its shape.