Elastic Potential Energy
Elastic potential energy is the energy reserved in the configuration of a body or physical system. The object generates elastic energy when it is stretched or compressed in any manner. It is potential energy because the body converts it into other forms of energy like kinetic energy.
When you compress a spring, you feel the exact amount of force applied by you is used by the spring to regain its former position. The amount of energy used in regaining the former shape is nothing but spring potential energy.
In the notes, Vedantu has explained both potential energies in a detailed manner; students can refer to them to revise the topics in a short duration or during exam time. Faculties of physics at Vedantu have prepared them to give students clear and helpful knowledge in their preparation.
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Learn Uses of Elastic Energy and Hooke's Law
It is always necessary to understand the application of the concept; if you do not know why you are reading or learning about a topic, then it is of no use. For example, knowing the term thermometer is useless if you do not know what to do to measure fever when you are sick.
At Vedantu, you learn more than just definitions of the terms in this topic; potential energy experts have explained the uses of elastic energy and the application of Hooke's Law. The mathematical expression of Elastic Potential Energy, Spring Potential Energy and Hooke's Law help you solve the numerical questions in the exam. Also, teachers have pointed out how Hooke's Law explains the restoring force in the spring that helped it to regain its former position.
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More About Elastic Potential Energy and Spring Potential Energy
Elastic energy can be defined as the mechanical potential energy reserved in the configuration of a material or physical system. It is exposed to elastic deformation by work performed upon it. Elastic energy generated when objects are temporarily stretched, compressed, or generally deformed in any manner. Elasticity theory mainly develops formalisms for the mechanics of solid bodies and materials. The elastic potential energy equation is used for calculating positions of mechanical equilibrium. The energy is potential as it will be converted into other forms of energy, such as sound energy and kinetic energy, when the object is allowed to reform by its elasticity.
\[ U = \frac{1}{2} k \Delta x^{2} \]
What Causes Elastic Energy?
A force acting on an object temporarily changes its shape, such as when you stretch an elastic band or squish a squishy ball with your hand.
Spring Potential Energy
Since the potential energy's change of an object between two positions is equal to the work that must be done to move the object from one point to another, the calculation of potential energy is identical to calculating the work. Since the force requires stretching a spring changes with distance, the calculation of the work involves an integral.
W =\[ \int_{0}^{x} k x dx = k \frac{x^{2}}{2} \]
The Potential Energy of a Spring
When we compress or extend a stretched spring, we feel a force equal to that applied by us in the opposite direction. So the reason for this happening is when a spring deviates from its mean position, it tends to restore its equilibrium by exerting a force equal and opposite to the external force. But the question remains in which way can this force be helpful to us? We all must have seen the uses of spring force in bicycle carriers and launching devices. The energy gained by disturbing the equilibrium of the spring is used as its potential energy and converted to other forms.
Hooke’s Law
The force that requires stretching an elastic object like a metal spring is always directly proportional to the spring extension for small-scale distances. The force applied back by the spring is known as Hooke's Law.
\[\overline{f_{s}} = - k\overrightarrow{ x } \]
Where \[ f_{s}\] is the force exerted by the spring, x is the displacement relative to the unstretched length of the spring, and k is the spring constant.
The spring force can be called a restoring force because the force exerted by the spring is always in the opposite direction to the displacement, this is the reason behind a negative sign in the Hooke's law equation. Pulling down on a spring stretches the spring downward, which results in the spring exerting an upward force.
Uses of Elastic Energy
We Have Listed a few Uses of Elastic Energy Below:
A spring is used to reserve elastic potential energy in many mechanical devices like the shock absorbers present in cars. Elastic energy can be used in many ways since the spring can remain in its compressed or stretched state for extended periods without dissipating energy. Balloons, rubber bands, bungees, and trampolines use elastic energy for the stretch. We can find uses of elastic energy in squishy balls, a bow and arrow, and coiled springs. Catapults and slingshots are also uses of elastic energy.
Solved Examples
Question 1: What happens when a spring is stretched too far?
Answer: If a force is applied to spring to exceed its elastic limit, then it will no longer return to its original shape.
Question 2: How to analyse a spring force versus displacement graph?
Answer: The area under the force in the spring versus displacement curve is done in the spring. The diagram below shows a plot of force on the spring versus displacement where displacement is 0 when the spring is unstretched. The work is done on a spring store elastic potential energy Us in the spring until the spring returns to its original length. Therefore, the Us is equal to the work done and also to the area under the curve.
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Fun Facts
The elastic potential energy of the bowstring gets transferred to the arrow as kinetic energy. Elastic energy can be produced by stretching a muscle in your body. Scottish scientist William Rankine first struck the term potential energy in the 19th century. The equation for calculating the potential energy of a spring is PE=1/2*k*x2, where k is the spring constant, and x is the amount of compression.
FAQs on Elastic Potential Energy and Spring Potential Energy
1. How does elastic potential energy affect kinetic energy?
As we know, potential energy is stored energy and is not visible. When you put a marble at the top of a track, the marble has gravitational potential energy. This potential energy is a result of the marble's position. Elastic potential energy is also the energy that results from an object's position. Think back to the pop-up toaster example. When you push down the toaster's lever, you compress a spring inside the toaster. It takes work to change the position of the lever and compress the spring. When the spring is released, the elastic potential energy converts into kinetic energy.
2. What happens to elastic potential energy when a spring is compressed?
Before the compression, there is no potential energy stored in a spring, but the effort or force you put to compress is stored as potential energy. The energy you use to compress the spring is stored as elastic potential energy, and it releases unless you want to prevent it with a balancing force. Vedantu has provided detailed notes to answer all your questions. Also, it is free and available on the website or mobile app. For interacting with Vedantu experts to ask your doubts directly to them, you can join Vedantu online physics tuition class.
3. Does a compressed spring release kinetic energy?
The compressed spring stores potential energy and releases kinetic energy to accelerate other masses. So it depends upon the spring and its interfacing medium. For example, a bow releases the stored potential energy as kinetic energy through an arrow. Vedantu experts of physics have explained the mathematical expression for the spring and elastic potential energy in the notes. You will find it helpful for the exams to revise the particular topic readily. Also, you can join online physics classes to learn from experts on your device, register for Vedantu pro classes to energise your knowledge.
4. How does Vedantu help with chapter elastic potential energy and spring potential energy?
Vedantu notes on the elastic potential energy and spring potential energy have included the topics from basics, and subject matter experts of physics have considered the latest syllabus and CBSE guidelines while bringing it to you. You will find a thorough explanation of each concept linked with the potential energy of the elastic and spring object, for instance, Hooke’s law, the relation between the elastic potential energy and kinetic energy. Also, to give practical clarity, physics experts at Vedantu have added examples and questions in the notes. You can find notes on other topics of physics on the website.
5. How much time is required to learn the elastic potential energy and spring potential energy chapter?
It depends upon your understanding of gaining knowledge of the topic. However, it does not matter how long it takes to finish learning elastic potential and spring potential energy, what matter how much you gain from the topic. And to make it a little easy and helpful, teachers of physics at Vedantu have made notes covering all the essential concepts to learn in the chapter. You can download the notes of other chapters from the study material section of the Vedantu. You are just one sign up away to get it on your device.