Overview of Force and Pressure
Before going through force and pressure in detail. Let us first have an overview of it. Force is applied in order to perform a work. If we talk about pressure then pressure is the force that is applied per unit area. Force is applied perpendicular to the surface per unit area. The unit of measurement of pressure is pascal. A Pascal is basically defined as the pressure exerted by one force of Newton on one square unit area.
Where there are similarities between the force and pressure but in actual force is the total effect of one object on the other one whereas If we talk about pressure it us the certain amount of force that is applied on a unit area. That is you can define pressure in the physical quantity of the force that is spread over a unit area. Since we know that force is directly proportional to pressure, in this context if the force applied on an object it will be increased in the same way pressure will also increase. You can go through this article as this article will provide you a brief knowledge of pressure and force. In this article you are going to study about force and pressure, properties of Force, type if force, thrust and pressure and further you will be provided with the Frequently Asked questions related to the force and pressure topic that will increase your knowledge and will help you to get a clear insight of this topic pressure and force.
Force and Pressure Definition
A kind of push or pull is known as force. It is something whose action generates motion in an object. or, it can also be defined as the interaction between two objects. Force has a magnitude as well as direction. Magnitude is used to express the strength of the force. A change in direction or magnitude or both also changes the force. Exerted force on an object may change the speed with which the object moves, the direction of motion or shape. When we measure the amount of force acting on a unit area, it is called pressure.
We will study more about force, it’s types, physical properties and pressure in this article.
Properties of Force
The force exerted away from the body is a push. And a pull is a force exerted towards the body. Thus, a force is a push or a pull.
When the force is being applied in the direction of motion of the object then it mostly increases its speed and when it’s applied in the opposite direction, the speed decreases.
Thus, the state of motion of an object is explained by its speed and the direction of motion.When the speed is zero, the body is considered to be at a state of rest.
An object cannot move, change its direction or speed by itself. Which implies that an external force acting upon the body can change its speed, motion, direction, and shape.
The resultant of all the forces acting on a body is known as the net force. And, the acceleration of the body is along the direction of the net force.
The force that opposes the relative motion between two surfaces is called frictional force.
Frictional force acts between the surface of the two bodies in contact with each other.
Types of Force
Force is applied to a body in order to perform a work. There are numerous forces that can be applied that for every force there are a number of varieties or types. Let's have a look at these forces.
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Frictional Force - The force that opposes the relative motion between two surfaces is called frictional force. The frictional force acts between the surface of the two bodies in contact with each other
Muscular Force - When force is caused or carried out by the action of muscles is called muscular force.
Magnetic Force - Force acting between two magnetic bodies as a result of their poles is called magnetic force. Magnetic Force is usually an attracting force.
Gravitational Force - Earth exerts a pull on all objects or bodies towards itself. This pull is known as gravitational force. As a result of gravitational force, every object in this universe, irrespective of its size and shape, exerts some force on every other object.
Electrostatic Force - Electrostatic Force, also known as the Coulomb Interaction is basically a force applied by a charged body on another charged or uncharged body called electrostatic force. In other words, the electrostatic force is an attractive or repulsive force acting between two electrically charged objects.
Buoyant Force - It is an upthrust force exerted by fluid opposing the weight of the object that is fully or partially immersed in that fluid. Buoyancy is generally caused by the differences in pressure acting on opposite sides of an object immersed in a static fluid.
Tension Force - Tension force acts when a rope or string or any similar object is pulled by forces acting from the opposite direction. It is directed over the length of the wire or the string.
Drag Force - Drag force also acts in a fluid like water or air. It is the resistant force caused by the motion of a body through a fluid. Drag force is the one that acts opposite to the direction of the oncoming flow velocity.
Spring Force - It is a type of restoring force. This is because the force exerted by the spring is always in the opposite direction to the displacement.
Nuclear Force - It is a force that acts between all the particles in the nucleus. That is the force acting between two neutrons, between two protons and between a neutron and a proton. A nuclear force is always an attractive force.
Thrust and Pressure
Force acting on a unit area is known as pressure. The SI unit of pressure is Pascal and it is given by P= Force/Area. Thus, it can be seen that pressure is the ratio of the force to the area over which the force is acting.
Pressure (p) =\[ \frac{\text{Force (Fn)}} {\text{Area (A)} }\]
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Thrust, on the other hand, is a reaction force. When a system accelerates a body with a mass in one direction, the acceleration causes a force of equal magnitude in the opposite direction upon the system. The force applied in a perpendicular direction on the surface is called thrust.
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Thrust is measure in Newtons and can be calculated by the formula-
Thrust = Pressure × Area
Some objects that float in water are because of thrust. Also, objects weigh less in water because of the same phenomenon.
If you want to get further knowledge about the topic of pressure and force and know about the reaction between both force and pressure you can visit vedantu. Vedantu app provides you with all the information and the study material that you will require to understand this concept. At vedantu our main motive isis to make you understand the topic well. The children who ate connected with vedantu for their studies already observed a leap and bound changes in their scores and knowledge. The topics that are discussed upto class 12 are mainly to make your foundation for the coming higher class and vedantu gas specially cleared the concepts of the students of these classes so that their foundation remains strong. You just have to download the app if vedantu and you can get all sorts of information.
Now before moving to another topic let's have a look at the Frequently Asked questions related to force and pressure.
FAQs on Force and Pressure
1. What is the difference between thrust and pressure?
Thrust is the total force acting perpendicular on a given surface, while pressure is the thrust acting upon a unit area. Also, thrust is the amount of total force applied, but the pressure is the force applied per unit area. The pressure is calculated by the formula P= Force/ Area and Thrust is calculated by the formula- Thrust = Pressure × Area. If we note the Difference Between thrust and pressure then it will be the same as any other force with pressure because here mainly the force is applied on the body but for the pressure it is applied on any particular area.
2. What is magnetic pressure?
A magnetic field has a magnetic pressure within the boundary conditions. The magnetic field gradient causes a force due to the pressure gradient. This is known as magnetic pressure. It gives the energy density of the magnetic field. You can refer to the energy density associated with the magnetic field as its magnetic pressure. Any particular magnetic field gas the magnetic pressure that is contained by the boundary conditions on the field. This gradient in the field strength causes a force due to the magnetic pressure and this force you can refer to as the magnetic pressure force.
3. How to calculate hydrostatic pressure using specific gravity?
Hydrostatic pressure refers to the pressure exerted by the liquid at the rest part due to the force of gravity. Am explicitly Hydrostatic pressure us that you observe when you dive deep into the bottom of swimming pool.At a given depth, the pressure in a liquid medium is known as Hydrostatic Pressure. It can be calculated by the formula- P = ⍴ * g * d, where P stands for the pressure, ⍴ is the density of the liquid, g is gravity, which is 9.8 m/s2, and d is the depth (or height) of the liquid.
4. How are force and pressure both related for a body?
There is a significant difference between force and pressure. When the force is applied on the per unit area of a body it is known as pressure. If the surface area is going to decrease the pressure will increase automatically and if the surface area will increase the pressure automatically will decrease. However, if we talk about force and pressure. If the pressure will increase the force will increase automatically and if the pressure is decreased the force will also decrease simultaneously.
5. How will You explain force and pressure to a small child?
A force is simply either a push or pull. When the wind pushes a paper or a sails board it is due to the pressure that is applied BY the force on the sailboat that is causing this.when the apple falls on the ground it us due to the force of gravity that is exerted on the apple that enable it to fall on the ground. Forces can make things move and can cause the work to be done. When we talk about pressure, it is simply the force when it is applied to a particular area.