What is Measurement?
The word "measurement" refers to the numeric expression of the dimension of a manufactured object based on a fixed reference (unit). In a simple way, it can be explained that dimensional measurement is the comparison of the measurement that is a target against a reference object. The reference object is the measuring instrument.
There can be a huge variety of measuring instruments that offer very different measurement purposes, methods, as well as accuracy levels. It is always possible to inspect whether a manufactured object fits the required specifications by correctly measuring the dimensions of the objects. In other words, we can say that performing thorough measurements is one of the basic rules of better manufacturing.
What is Hin?
Hin is an ancient Hebrew unit of measurement that was used to measure liquid and is equal to about 1.5 U.S. gallons (5.7 litres). The first-ever known use of hin was in the 14th century. The history and Etymology for hin is Hebrew hīn, from Egyptian hnw.
The volumes of the various Hebrew standards of liquid measurements are not known. The ‘bat’ may have contained approximately 37 litres that are nearly 10 U.S. gallons. The ‘log’ equalled approximately more than 0.5 litres that are 0.14 U.S. gallon. The ‘hins’ are slightly more than 6 litres and are 1.6 U.S. gallons. The Hebrew system was popular for the very close relationship between the dry as well as the liquid volumetric measures. The liquid ‘kor’ was same the size as the dry homer, and also the liquid bat corresponded to the dry ʾefa.
The Ancient Greek Unit of Measurement
Greeks used a very different system of measuring distances as well as the weights, which was partly taken by Egyptian such as in the Hellenistic age where the Greek, as well as the Egyptian cultures, mixed. The same word could have meant different lengths like the stadion length depending on when and where it was used.
This brought confusion of the earth’s radius that was estimated by Eratosthenes or by Posidonius. But even today the different systems that may be used in a tragic event is the failure of a Mars probe using a mixture of the international metric system as well as the American systems of feet and the inches. It is very hard to give accurate distances and lengths.
FAQs on Hin - Unit of Measurement
1. Write a Short Note on the Origins of Measurements.
Ans: In ancient times, the body has ruled when it came to measuring different objects such as the length of a foot, the width of a finger, as well as the distance of a step.
Inch- At very first an inch was the width of the thumb of a man. King Edward II of England ruled that 1 inch is equal to 3 grains of barley being placed end to end lengthwise in the 14th century.
Hand- A hand was 5 inches or 5 digits across. In today’s world, a hand is 4 inches and it is used to measure horses.
Span- A span was the length of the hand in a stretched-out position of about 9 inches.
Foot- In ancient times, the length of the average man's foot measured 111/42 inches whereas today it measures about 12 inches.
Yard- In ancient times a yard was originally the length of a man's belt or a girdle, as it was called. During the times of the 12th century, King Henry I of England fixed the yard. He fixed it as the distance from his nose to the thumb of his outstretched arm, and today it is used as 36 inches.
Cubit- In the ancient times of Egypt, a cubit was the distance from the elbow to the fingertips and today a cubit is used as about 18 inches.
Lick- A Lick was used by the Greeks in ancient times. They used it to measure the distance from the tip of the thumb to the tip of an index finger and it was very helpful to them.
Pace- In ancient Roman, the soldiers marched in paces. It was the length of a double step, that was about 5 feet; 1,000 paces was a mile. In today’s world, a pace is the length of one step, which is about 21/2 to 3 feet.
2. Write a Short Note on the Egyptians Unit of Measurement.
Ans: The Egyptians at a very early stage included a measurement system. Their system of weights and also of measures was fundamental to all sorts of functions along with the necessary for the smooth running of their bureaucracy. In the operation of the barters system, frequently in bulk commodities, there was a certain need for standardization.
The principal unit of measurement was the royal cubit, a length we know to have been 52.4 cm, which is about the length of the forearm of a man. The royal cubit comprised seven palms. It had widths each of four digits of the thumb width so that it could be divided into a total of 28 digits.
Before the end of the Third Intermediate Period, all the artists usually used a short cubit for laying out the grid of their drawings. The length of a short cubit was equal to the six palms that were roughly the length from the elbow to the thumb tip. After the Senate Period, the royal cubit was used by the artists. During the times of the Persian occupation, the royal Persian cubit was 64.2 cm, but a reference cubit for this measure discovered at Abydos measures 63.85 cm in length.
Land and other larger measurements took various forms. The length of double reed was equal to a square’s diagonal with each side measuring one royal cubit. This measure was 74.07 cm and could be divided into 40 smaller units of 1.85 cm each. Another way of measuring land was using the cord measure known as ta (or meh-ta) of 100 royal cubits and the area was measured by that, which was about 100 cubits square. This was later called to be the aurora.