What is Kinetics?
In physics, the study of objects is divided into mechanics. Mechanics have further been divided into two branches of study dynamics and statics. In the dynamic branch of mechanics, the particles in motion or the bodies in motion under forces’ action are studied. In this dynamics branch of mechanics, the study deals with bodies and objects that do not undergo any change in motion, that is they are moving at a uniform motion or are in equilibrium even with an application of force or torque. The dynamic mechanics is further divided into two parts for studying Kinetics and kinematics. They are also referred to as Kinetics Dynamics and Kinematics Dynamics.
Kinetics Dynamics and Kinematics Dynamics
Often the terms Kinetics Dynamics and Kinematics Dynamics creates confusion in students' minds more so because Kinetics is also a branch of study in chemistry and biochemistry that deals with the progress of reactions. Whereas the branch of Kinetics in Physics is entirely different from the one in chemistry, let us learn more about it and its differences. It is important to note that both Kinetics Dynamics and Kinematics Dynamics fall under one umbrella of Dynamics Mechanics.
Kinetics and Kinetic Energy
Kinetics study deals with the movement of objects and that is due to kinetic energy and this can be classified into three different types. And this mainly deals with change in mass and velocity that will change depending on the type of object that is the mass of an object and the velocity of the change in motion due to force applied. Mass is represented as ‘m’ and velocity is represented by ‘v’. Even though kinetics has no specific formula the kinetic energy can be calculated using-
Ek = ½ mv2
The rotational kinetic energy- this kind of energy is seen when the object is in the rotation of an object on an axis of the object. It is also called angular momentum or angular kinetic energy. The energy can also be possessed by the objects like the top moving in circles, or planets moving around the sun, so to study such objects in motion one has to use the method of rotational kinetic energy.
Vibrational Kinetic energy- Vibrational energy as the name suggests is possessed by objects which vibrate when a force is applied for example when phone rings and the other instance one can see is when one beats a drum it vibrates.
Translational Kinetic energy- this kind of kinetic energy is seen when an object is already in motion and with a certain amount of force applied it moves from one place to another the energy force is transferred and translated as the change in velocity.
Kinetics in Everyday Life
Kinetics and kinetic energy can be seen and experienced in our everyday lives as well. Certain examples are-
It can be seen in hydropower plants, in here due to the kinetic energy of the water the plants can generate electricity.
Generation of electricity with the help of windmills which are in motion.
Moving cars possess kinetic energy.
The motion of a bullet since force is applied via the gun possesses kinetic energy.
Cycling as we apply force for the movement of pedals. Pedalling scents the bicycle in kinetic motion.
Kinetics is very important for the objects in motion or the dynamic objects. It has been an important mode of study in the field of physics ever since its discovery and is not subsiding anytime soon. We can find many answers to the questions of movement and mechanics through kinetics.
FAQs on Kinetics
Q.1. What is Kinetics?
Ans. Kinetics is the study of the movement of objects that manifests in changing their position due to the force applied to it. It is a study of chemical reactions in the field of biochemistry and pharmacy. In chemistry and chemical reactions, kinetics provide an insight into the factors affecting the speed of the reaction.
Q.2. Are Kinetics and Kinematics the Same?
Ans. The kinetics and kinematics fall under the mechanics’ branch of physics under the study of the dynamic object. That is there is some change in the object’s motion due to force in the application in both kinetics and kinematics. The difference between them lies in where the kinetics considered effects of force and mass of the objects the field of kinematics refrains from it and studies speed, acceleration and velocity.
Q.3. What are the Types of Kinetics?
Ans. The kinetics or the kinetics dynamics are divided into three main types based on the energy the object of study possesses. The rotational energy, seen in toys moving in a circular motion, vibrational energy seen in phones and the translational energy that is seen when someone pushes or tries to stop with force an already moving object like pushing someone who is running or applying force to move a piece of furniture. In all of these different kinds of kinetic energies, the factors considered are the mass of the object and the velocity with which it moves.