What is Kilometre?
The SI unit used to measure distance or length is known as Kilometre. These km units are used in metric systems. The distance between two points can also be measured in other terms like miles, yards, etc. Even though we have many methods to measure distance, the International System of Units created certain limits and denominations to measure distances or length and one of them is kilometre.
This article described the definition of kilometres, kilometre measurement and the difference and conversions of miles, metres, centimetres, feet and millimetres into kilometres.
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Definition of Kilometre
A kilometre is an SI unit used for measuring the distance or time. It is a unit of the metric system. A kilometre is usually expressed as km. The international system of units prescribed this unit to follow around the world. So, that all the people around the world are using the same measuring systems and standards for calculating the length of the object or distance between two places.
Conversions Regarding Kilometre Measurements
Kilometres and Miles
The kilometre km is the SI unit used to express the distance. The international standard units announced this km unit. The United States was following the measuring unit called miles to measure distance. It was proposed through "United States Customary Units (USCS)". Even though both the kilometre and miles are representing the unit of distance. The value of 1 mile is not equal to 1 kilometre. Here, 1 mile is equal to 1.60934 km. The term miles are often used in the field of science, medicine and military forces. It is possible to convert USCS units into SI units.
Kilometre to Meters
Many may have questions that 1 kilometre is equal to how many metres? One kilometre is equal to 1,000 metres. The metre is also a SI unit of distance. The metre can be expressed in terms of m. To convert metre into kilometre, a metre value should be divided by 1,000 or multiplied by 0.001.
For example,
2m = 0.002km.
5km = 5,000 m
Kilometer to Centimeters
A centimetre is less than a metre. The centimetre is expressed in terms of cm. 100 centimetres together form one metre. Further, 1,000 metres together form 1 kilometre. So, 1,00,000 cm together is known as 1 km.
For example,
2 cm = 0.00002 km.
8 km = 8,00,000 cm
Kilometer to Millimeters
The millimetre is less than the centimetre. The millimetre is expressed in terms of mm. Here, 1 centimetre (cm) is equal to 10 millimetres. So, 10,00,000 mm combines together to form one kilometre.
For example,
3 mm = 0.000003 km.
9 km = 90,00,000 mm
Kilometer to Miles
Miles is the important term used to indicate the distance between two places using the USCS unit. Miles can be abbreviated as ‘mi’. Here, 1 mile(mi) is equal to 1.60934km.
Kilometer to Feet
Feet is the important term used to measure the length of the object. This is mainly used in USCS. Here, 1 km is equal to 3,280.84 ft.
How to Convert Kilometre Per Hour into Metre Per Second?
The kilometre per hour is the unit to measure the speed of an object which can be calculated by taking the count of distance travelled by the object with the time taken to cover a certain distance.
1 kilometre per hour = 1,000(meters) / 3,600(seconds)
Which means,
1 km/hr= 5/ 18 m/s
This article explained what is a kilometre, how to convert a metre into kilometre, centimetre, millimetre into a kilometre in detail.
FAQs on Kilometre (Km)
1. What is a kilometre?
Ans: Kilometre is a SI unit used to measure distance or length. One kilometre is equal to 1000 metres.
2. Is a kilometre bigger than a mile?
3. Is a yard or meter longer?
Ans: Both yards or metres are used to measure the distance or length of the two objects. While comparing the difference between yards and metres, one metre is equal to 1.09 yards.