What Are Blind Aid Devices?
Visual impairment occurs when the ability of a person’s sight or vision decreases by such a large degree that it cannot be fixed with conventional means such as glasses and lenses. Complete loss of vision leads to blindness. A person with a normal vision can see from as far as 200 feet. But a kind person can only view from 20 feet away. To help the blind with sight in today’s world, several blind aid devices have been introduced in the market. There are some fantastic gadgets in the market that help propel without vision. These blind aid devices have been developed using the latest technological advancements.
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What Are Low Vision Aids?
Low vision aids are explicitly designed to help people who have a poor or weak vision. These devices provide increased magnification, along with very high-quality optical features. A person’s vision usually degenerates with age. Cataracts, which are the white milky layer over the eyes, block the light rays from entering the eyes. Visual impairments have been affecting people from all over the world for a very long time. There are several optical and non-optical aids available in the market nowadays that have come out as a solution to this problem. These aids are also known as blind aid devices. There are several low vision aids ppt online that one can look up to gain more knowledge in the subject.
What Are The Symptoms Of Blindness?
A few common symptoms of blindness are:
Cloudy vision
Inability to see shapes and figures
Highly poor night vision
Colour blindness
Hazy images
Constant eye redness
Swollen eyelids
White pupil instead of a black pupil
Constant itching in the eye
Several diseases can lead to blindness or visual impairment. When the optic nerves of the eye get damaged, visual information from the eye cannot travel into the brain anymore. Glaucoma is one such condition that causes blindness. Macular degeneration causes the eye muscles to become weak, which destroys the eye’s capability to see integrated details. Other similar diseases that may lead to blindness or vision loss are optic neuritis and tumors in the retina.
Other than people with the diseases mentioned above, few other people who are at risk of turning blind are patients who have diabetes, heart strokes, or people undergoing eye surgery.
Misconceptions About Blindness
Eating carrots help save vision: Although this may be true to some extent, there is no medical proof regarding this condition.
Using lenses can reduce blindness: Not real at all. Lenses are only advised for people with high power.
Too much use of electronic gadgets leads to blindness: A simple warning uttered by parents but has no truth to it.
Solved Examples
Mention Some Blind Aid Devices And Their Functions
Answer: Owing to the advanced technology, various solutions have come up for the visually impaired and blind people. Blind aid devices with different designs and functions offer a whole range of features for people with visual disabilities. The simple visual aid is the thin colored sheet of transparent plastic. Some colors such as red and yellow, when placed over a page to be read, increase the contrast, and thus makes the writings and alphabets visible.
Some other countries have also developed GuideDogs that are highly trained and help the visually impaired people to stroll across the cities and towns. The dogs are trained such that they adapt to human life comfortably. Not only do the dogs help the visually impaired to crossroads but also keep them protected from the outside world.
Fun Facts About Blind Aid Devices And Blindness
Notes and coins are now made in such a manner that even the visually impaired can understand the value just by touch.
The size of a note increases with value in Euros as well as rupees.
Food is placed in plates and dinner tables in a particular position to guide the blind and visually impaired.
For people with low vision, books are now printed with larger fonts.
Books in Braille and audiobooks are also helpful for the blind.
Children with low vision must take proper consultation from experts.
Technological advancements have made education easy for visually impaired children.
FAQs on Non-Optical Low Vision Aids
1. Why Do The Blind Use A Stick?
The blind uses a stick, also known as a cane, for proper navigation. The rods come in two different types. The commonly used canes are:
A Support cane
A Probing cane
A support cane provides physical stability and supports your weight. The rod has a tight grip on the floor and does not slide off. The canes can be folding or standing. On the other hand, a probing cane can help you move forward without getting tired. Your choice of needs will decide the kind of rod you need. Blind people are advised to carry both rods with them as one will give them support, and the other will help in navigation.
2. What Do Blind People See?
Vision plays a vital role in deciding what a blind person sees. A person with blindness understands not only the light but also shapes and figures. If your peripheral vision is ruptured on both sides, then one may see a blind spot right in the middle. Blindness can be of different types: Low vision, total blindness, congenital blindness, or even functional blindness. Some people are blind from birth due to nondevelopment of the optic nerve, while some become blind over time due to the optic nerve damage. There are many misconceptions about blindness. It is advised to take the suggestion of doctors before jumping into conclusions.