What is Plasma?
In physics, plasma is an electrically conducting medium, where there are roughly equal numbers of both positively and negatively charged particles, which are produced when the atoms in a gas become ionized. Sometimes, it is referred to as the fourth state of matter, which is distinct from the solid, liquid, and gaseous states.
About Plasma
Usually, the negative charge can be carried by the electrons, where each has one unit of negative charge. Typically, the positive charge is carried by molecules or atoms that are missing similar electrons. In some of the rare but interesting cases, electrons missing from one type of molecule or atom become attached to the other component by resulting in a plasma containing positive and negative ions.
When small, the most intense case of this sort takes place, but in a condition known as a dusty plasma, the macroscopic dust particles are charged. The plasma state's uniqueness is because of the importance of magnetic and electric forces that act on the plasma in addition to the kind of forces as gravity that affect all forms of matter. Since all these electromagnetic forces act at a larger distance, the plasma will also act collectively much similar to a fluid even when the seldom particles collide with one another.
Volume of Plasma
The volume of blood plasma can be either expanded or drained to the extravascular fluid when there are changes in starling forces across capillary walls. For instance, when blood pressure drops in a circulatory shock, the starling forces drive fluid into the interstitium by causing third spacing.
Standing for a prolonged period will cause a transcapillary hydrostatic pressure increase. Resultantly, approximately 12% of the blood plasma volume will cross into the extravascular compartment. And this contributes to an increase in overall serum protein, hematocrit, blood viscosity, and changes in coagulation factors as a result of this accumulation, inducing orthostatic hypercoagulability.
Properties of Plasma
Albumins are the most common plasma proteins and are also responsible for maintaining the blood's osmotic pressure. The consistency of blood would be closer to that of water without albumins. The blood’s increased viscosity prevents the fluid from entering the bloodstream from outside of the capillaries. Globulins are given as the second most common type of protein present in the blood plasma. The important globulins are immunoglobulins, which are most important for the transport of hormones, the immune system, and other compounds around the body.
Fibrinogen proteins will make up most of the remaining proteins in the blood. Fibrinogens are also responsible for clotting blood to help prevent blood loss.
In general, plasma is yellow because of carotenoids, bilirubin, transferrin, and haemoglobin. Coming to the abnormal cases, plasma can also have varying shades of green, brown, or orange. The green colour can be because of sulfhemoglobin or ceruloplasmin. The latter can form because of the medicines, which are able to produce sulfonamides once ingested. Reddish or dark brown colour can appear because of hemolysis, where methemoglobin is released from broken blood cells. Normally, plasma is relatively transparent, but at times, it can be opaque. Typically, opaqueness is because of the elevated content of lipids such as triglycerides and cholesterol.
Origin of Plasmapheresis
A scientist from Spain, named Dr. José Antonio Grifols Lucas in 1940, founded Laboratorios Grifols. Dr. Grifols pioneered the first-of-its-kind technique, which is referred to as plasmapheresis, where a red-blood-cell would be returned to the body of the donor almost instantly after the blood plasma separation.
Formation of Plasma
Besides solid-state plasmas, like those in metallic crystals, plasmas don’t usually take place naturally at the surface of the Earth. For the experiments, which are held in laboratory and technological applications, plasmas, hence, must be produced artificially. Because the atoms like alkalies as sodium, caesium, potassium possess low ionization energies, and plasmas can be produced from these by the direct application of heat at up to 3,000 K temperature. However, in many gases, before any significant ionization degree is achieved, the neighbourhood temperatures of 10,000 K are required.
A convenient unit for measuring the temperature in the plasma study is the electron volt (eV), the energy gained by an electron in the vacuum when it is accelerated across 1 volt of electric potential. The temperature (W) can be measured in electron volts, which is given as follows:
W = T/12,000
Where T is expressed in kelvins.
The required temperatures for the self-ionization hence range from 2.5 - 8 electron volts since such values are typical of the energy required to remove one electron from a molecule or atom.
Plasma Waves
The waves, which are most familiar to people, are the buoyancy waves, which propagate on the lakes and ocean surfaces and break onto the beaches of the world. Equally familiar, although not essentially recognized as waves, are the disturbances caused in the atmosphere that create, which is called weather.
FAQs on Plasma - State of Matter
1. Explain plasma vs. serum in medical diagnostics.
Blood serum and blood plasma are often used in blood tests. A few tests can be done only on plasma, whereas some are done only on serum. The others can be done on both; however, depending on the test, the use of either serum or plasma can be more practical. In addition, other tests have to be done with the overall blood, like the determination of the number of blood cells present in blood through flow cytometry.
2. What are low-frequency waves?
Alfvén waves, at the lowest frequency, need the presence of a magnetic field to exist. In fact, except for ion-acoustic waves, the existence of a background magnetic field can be required for any of the waves with a frequency less than that of plasma frequency to take place in a plasma.
3. What are higher-frequency waves?
In the higher-frequency waves, the plasma behaves as a whole, and the velocity is independent of the wave frequency. However, at higher frequencies, the separate behaviour of electrons and ions causes the wave velocities to differ with frequency and direction.
4. Give examples of ionized plasmas?
Some Examples of Strongly Ionized Plasma:
The Core of the Sun: Temperature is very high that most of the atoms won't be able to hold their electron.
A Few of the Examples of Weakly Ionized Plasma:
Stove Fire: The small portion of atoms and molecules in the air break and get charge because of the collisions induced by the high temperature.
Dusty plasma can be used in semiconductor etching technology.