Plate Tectonics - Explained
The Plate which is known as the Tectonics is from the Late Latin word: that is the Tectonics from Ancient Greek. It is said that Tectonics about the building is a scientific Theory that is said to be describing the large-scale motion of seven large Plates. And the movements are from the Plates of a larger number which is also said to be of smaller Plates of planet earth's lithosphere. The Tectonic processes are said to begin on Earth which is between 3.3 and 3.5 billion years ago. The model that generally is said to be built on the concept of continental drift is the idea that was developed during the first decades of the 20th century. The geoscientific which we are aware of community accepted Theory of the Plate-Tectonic after seafloor that is said to be spreading was validated in the late 1950s and early 1960s.
What are Tectonic Plates
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The lithosphere which is said to be one of the layers of the atmosphere is a rigid outermost shell of a planet that is the crust and upper mantle which is said to be broken into Tectonic Plates.
Tectonic Plates are said to be able to move because the Earth's lithosphere has greater mechanical strength than the underlying asthenosphere.
Plate Tectonic Theory
The outer layers of the Earth are said to be divided into the lithosphere and asthenosphere. The division of both the layers is said to be based on differences in mechanical properties and in the method that is for the transfer of heat. The layer that is of the lithosphere is cooler and more rigid so we can say that while the asthenosphere is hotter and flows more easily as compared to the lithosphere. In terms of transfer of the heat the lithosphere loses heat by conduction method whereas on the other hand the asthenosphere also transfers heat by the method of convection and has a nearly adiabatic temperature gradient as well. We can say that this division concludes that it should not be confused with the chemical subdivision of these same layers into the mantle that is the comprising of both the asthenosphere and the mantle portion of the lithosphere and the crust which is said to be given piece of mantle may be part of the lithosphere.
The key principle of the Plate which are the Tectonics Plates is that the lithosphere that generally exists as separate and distinct Tectonic Plates ride on the fluid-like visco-elastic solid asthenosphere. The motion of the Plate generally ranges up to a typical 10–40 mm/year that is the mid-Atlantic Ridge which is about as fast as fingernails grow to about 160 mm/year so we can say that the Nazca Plate is about as fast as hair grows.
What is the Theory of Plate Tectonics
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It has generally been accepted that the Plates which are known as the Tectonic Plates can move because of the relative density that is of the oceanic lithosphere and the relative weakness of the asthenosphere. When there is a new crust in it then that generally forms at mid-ocean ridges which form the oceanic lithosphere. And it is initially less dense than the underlying asthenosphere and it becomes denser with age as it conductively cools and thickens. We can conclude that the greater density of the old lithosphere relative to the underlying asthenosphere generally allows it to sink into the deep mantle at subduction zones that is providing most of the driving force for Plate movement. The weakness which is of the asthenosphere generally allows the Tectonic Plates to move easily towards a subduction zone.
How to approach Plate Tectonics - Explanation, Theory, and FAQs
If you are someone who is finding the topic of Plate Tectonics - Explanation, Theory, and FAQs then you can follow a very simple approach towards understanding it:
Read the associated this chapter from NCERT class 11 geography textbook
Before jumping on to this topic, read continental drift Theory and seafloor spreading Theory
Then read this topic from Vedantu’s website as well as from the NCERT textbook.
Focus on technical terms, keywords, various Plates, evidence for this Theory, how is it better than previous theories and its drawbacks
The topic of Plate Tectonics - Explanation, Theory, and FAQs is one of the most interesting topics in Class 12. It will teach you how our planet came into being in its present form. Sometimes students find it difficult, thus this write-up of Vedantu has been brought for you. Vedantu has also made videos available on these topics on which you can access on youtube. Concepts like these can be understood in a very interactive and innovative manner with the help of these videos and other free study materials.
FAQs on Plate Tectonics
1. Explain Where are the Tectonic Plates?
The outermost part of the planet that is Earth's structure is known as the lithosphere. The lithosphere generally consists of the crust and small portion of the upper mantle. The lithosphere is a layer which is said to be divided into a number of tectonic plates. These plates generally move and interact with one another and is said to be driven by conventional forces within the Earth.
2. Explain What are the 7 Tectonic Plates?
There are some of the major as well as the minor and micro tectonic plates. There are seven major plates: that are as follows: African, Antarctic, Eurasian, Indo-Australian, North American, Pacific and South American.
3. Explain How Tectonic Plates are Formed?
The plates which we are talking about are the interlocking slabs of crust that float on Earth's viscous upper mantle and this is how they are formed. Now we see that the report says that other researchers have estimated that a global tectonic plate system emerged around 3 billion years ago.
4. Explain Which is the Best Definition of a Tectonic Plate?
A tectonic plate which is also known as the lithospheric plate is said to be massive which we can say that it is an irregularly shaped slab of solid rock that is generally composed of both continental and oceanic lithosphere. By contrast we can say that the crust which is the oceanic crust is composed of basaltic rocks which are much denser and heavier.
5. From where can I study Plate Tectonics - Explanation, Theory, and FAQs for free?
You can study the topic of Plate Tectonics - Explanation, Theory, and FAQs from Vedantu’s website for free. All the materials available on Vedantu’s website related to this topic are free. Also, the content is curated and written by subject matter experts of Vedantu. Since this is available in the form of web content, you have the liberty to read it as many times as you desire. All you have to do is reach the desired web address and start studying. You can read many other topics of Physics from Vedantu's website for free. You can also access these from Vedantu’s mobile application.
6. Can I skip Plate Tectonics - Explanation, Theory, and FAQs?
It is generally advised not to skip the topic of Plate Tectonics - Explanation, Theory, and FAQs as it is a very interesting topic which talks about how our world reached this stage. It talks about how the earth is made up of many major and minor Plates and how their interaction gave rise to the present form of planet Earth. While discussing this topic many other fundamental topics of Physics are discussed which you will not want to miss. Also, this topic holds significance in NCERT Class 11 geography - fundamental of physical geography, free pdf of which is available on Vedantu’s website.
7. What all technical terms do I need to know in Plate Tectonics - Explanation, Theory, and FAQs?
The topic of Plate Tectonics - Explanation, Theory, and FAQs are very high on technical jargon. And science students you are expected to know all of them. While reading this topic, you will have to be aware of concepts of Tectonic Plates, lithosphere, earth's interior, various layers of earth, major Plates and their names, minor Plates and their names, etc. You will also have to remember the names of various places where the Plate boundaries interact with each other, for example, oceanic ridges. You will also have to know what shreds of evidence support this Theory.
8. At what speed do Plates move as per the Plate Tectonics - Explanation, Theory, and FAQs?
As per Plate Tectonics - Explanation, Theory, and FAQs, Tectonic Plates move due to the movement of solid visco-elastic asthenosphere. But every Plate moves distinctly and at different speeds. Range of motion ranges from 10-40 mm/year near mid-Atlantic Ridge to 160 mm/year near Nazca Plate. This movement is not the same everywhere. At some places, they move in the opposite directions, at some places they slide, at some places they converge and at some places they diverge. These Plate movements give rise to many important geographical features like ridges, Plateaus, volcanoes, fold mountain ranges, trenches, subduction zones, etc.
9. Who proposed Plate Tectonics Theory as per Plate Tectonics - Explanation, Theory, and FAQs?
Plate Tectonics - Explanation, Theory, and FAQs are very important not just in Physics but also in Class 11 geography. It is renowned and accepted worldwide. It was put forward by the famous German meteorologist Alfred Wegner in 1912. The roots of this Theory lie in continental drift Theory. His proposal remained theoretical and questionable for a long time. It was only in the 1960s that further research was conducted and pieces of evidence to support his Theory were found. Before this, other theories like seafloor spreading Theory and continental drift Theory were followed.