Land Breeze and Sea Breeze - Overview
The light and the cold winds are called Breeze. It is one of the pleasant things to experience the feeling of a cool and gentle breeze during a hot summer on the beach.
These breeze are of two types :
Land Breeze
Sea Breeze
Land Breeze
Land breeze is also known as off- shore wind and takes place during the night and early morning and in winter or autumn season. Land breezes result in the formation and development of clouds. In simple words a land breeze is the flow of wind from the land towards the sea. During the night time, the land cools down quickly as compared to the day because there is no sun to heat surrounding air and the sea surface.
As compared to land, water bodies have a capacity to retain the heat for a longer duration, which causes the air above it to have lower density and due to this high pressure is formed above the land and at the same time low pressure is formed above the water.The movement of the dense air above the land takes place from land to space over water as the movement of the winds takes place from high pressure to low-pressure areas.
Sea Breeze
Sea Breeze also known as on - shore wind takes place during the day time and in spring and summer season. Sea Breeze occurs due to unequal heating of land and water as during a day the land surface heats up faster than the sea surface which results in the relatively heather air above the land than the water. As we all know that warmer air is lighter than the cooler air and as a result the warmer air goes up, which means here the warmer air is above the land and this will rise up and the coller air is flowing towards the land surface and taking the space of the warmer air.
Some facts about Land and Sea Breeze
After studying the land and sea breeze in detail following are some facts about them :
Both Land Breeze and Sea Breeze occurs near the coastal areas
Sea Breeze is a relatively stronger breeze than the land breeze.
Both the breeze takes place during different seasons and time in a day and with different speeds.
Due to the breeze, the places near the sea or coastal areas do not have a lot of variation in the temperature while the other areas experience a huge temperature variation.
The sea breeze and land breeze also prevent the accumulation of atmospheric pollutants in the surrounding areas.
The places near the sea or around coastal regions generally have a humid and wet climate due to the effect of the sea breeze. For example Mumbai has a more moist climate than Delhi.
Difference between Land Breeze and Sea Breeze
Below mentioned is a tabular difference between Land Breeze and Sea Breeze:
FAQs on Sea Breeze and Land Breeze
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Summary of Land Breeze vs. Sea Breeze
The occurrence of both breezes is near coastal areas.
The precipitation rates, atmospheric temperature, and humidity levels are affected by the land and sea breezes.
Land breezes arise from land, while sea breezes arise from the sea or other large bodies of water.
The vital difference is due to the property of water to retain heat and warm up on a longer duration as compared to land.
The offshore winds are known as a land breeze, and onshore winds are known as a sea breeze.
While a land breeze occurs at night, a sea breeze occurs in the daytime.
One will experience land breezes more during autumn and winter while sea breezes are experienced during the spring and summer months.
Compared to a land breeze, sea breezes are generally stronger. This makes sea breezes quite important to glider pilots and other related aircraft operators.
Typically, land breezes are gentler than sea breezes.
Land breezes are normally dry winds, while sea breezes have additional moisture.
Unlike sea breezes, land breezes are principal during winter months.
Unlike land breezes, sea breezes can suggestively lower air temperature.