Streamline Flow Meaning
Streamline flow or a laminar flow is an uninterrupted flow (as of air) past a solid body in which the direction at every point remains unchanged with the passage of time.
Streamline flow is a type of flow of fluid which travels in regular paths. So, we can say that there is a smooth movement of layers of water passing from one end of the pipe to another. So, when you look at a stream flowing, you first observe a few things about it like the speed of the water in it, its width, amount of water flowing, etc. One of the primary things that characterize a stream is its flow which is also termed as streamflow. This page discusses the streamline flow, various applications explaining this concept in detail.
What is a Streamline Flow?
A liquid or fluid motion happens when shear stress acts on it. This shear stress or force is acting parallel to the surface of the liquid. In the case of a stream flowing, the gravitational force of the earth is acting upon it and pulling it down.
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Streamflow is described by a single atom's path in a fluid and is of two types: streamline flow and turbulent flow. A flow that is steady, smooth, and predictable is called streamline flow. Sometimes the flow of a stream could be marked by chaotic changes that we call a turbulent flow. Let us learn about streamline flow definition and distinguish between streamline and turbulent flow in this article.
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Principle of Streamline Flow
A streamline flow is also called laminar flow, and in this flow, there are no major velocity fluctuations. A streamline is a path of imaginary particles within the fluid that are carried along with it. The streamlines are fixed in a steady flow, and fluid travels in a smooth and regular path. This means that the flow properties like velocity, pressure, etc. at each point remain constant. To define streamline flow, think of the laminar flow consisting of laminae or thin layers, all parallel to each other. In a streamline motion, these layers of water are flowing on top of each other at different speeds, and there is no mixing between layers.
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If you draw a tangent to the streamline at any point in space in a streamline flow, it will be aligned with the instantaneous velocity vector at that point. These streamlines cannot cross each other at any one instant in time. The fluid in contact with the surface is stationary, and the other layers are sliding over it.
Now, let us understand another type of flow, called the Turbulent flow. Also, we will understand the difference between Turbulent and Streamline flow.
What is Turbulent Flow?
A turbulent motion in a fluid is an irregular motion caused either by high velocities or abrupt changes in velocities. If you imagine a ball in a river stream, can you predict its direction of motion? It is probably not because water is splashing all around and the ball could go any which way every second. It is similar to the turbulent flow of fluids where there are random and unpredictable fluid particles' motions. In a turbulent flow, fluid is not passing in parallel layers, and there is a high level of lateral mixing and disruption between layers.
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The three main characteristics of a turbulent flow are:
Apparent randomness
At any given point in the fluid which is undergoing turbulent flow, there is a continuous change in magnitude and the direction of flow. In our bodies, blood flow is generally streamline or laminar. But in certain high flow conditions, laminar flow can get disrupted and result in a turbulent flow. The flow in large arteries at the branch points are also turbulent flows.
The streamline flow vs turbulent flow table below sums up the difference between streamline and turbulent flow:
Distinguish Between Streamline Flow and Turbulent Flow
Reynold’s Number
Reynold’s number is a dimensionless number that has a vital role in predicting patterns in a fluid’s behaviour. Reynold’s number is represented as Re, and it is used to determine whether fluid has a laminar or turbulent flow. Re is the ratio of forces of inertia (forces that tend to resist motion) to simple viscous forces (the intermolecular glue which holds the fluid together). At high values of Re, there is turbulence.
Re = inertial force/viscous force = (ρ * v * L)/𝜇
Where ρ is the density, v is the velocity, L is the diameter of the tube, and 𝜇 is viscosity.
It could also be expressed as:
Re = fluid & flow properties/fluid properties.
So if there is a glass of water in a jar at rest then flow properties are 0. Thus, the numerator in the above equation is 0, which means that fluid at rest is independent of Reynold’s number. When the jar is tilted, and water starts flowing, we can predict water flow using Reynold’s number.
FAQs on Streamline Flow
1. What are the properties that all fluids share?
Despite the fact that each fluid is unique in terms of composition and particular properties, there are several properties that all fluids share.
These properties can be classified as follows:
Kinematic Properties: These qualities help in the understanding of fluid motion. The velocity and acceleration of fluids are kinematic properties.
Thermodynamic Properties: These qualities of a fluid helps to determine its thermodynamic state. Temperature, density, pressure, and specific enthalpy are all thermodynamic properties of fluids.
Physical Properties: These characteristics, including color and odor, help in determining the fluid's physical condition.
2. What is meant by Viscosity?
The resistance of a fluid to change its form, or the resistance of relative movement of sections near to each other in a fluid, is measured by viscosity. To put it another way, viscosity is the opposite of flow. The ease of flow is measured by fluidity, which is the polar opposite of viscosity. Honey, for example, is much denser than water. Internal friction between molecules in a fluid can be thought of as a barrier to the formation of velocity differences. The viscosity of fluids used in lubrication is one of the most important elements in determining the forces that must be overcome in order for the fluid to be delivered through pipes. Viscosity regulates fluid flow in operations such as spraying, surface coating, and injection molding. The qualities of viscosity are as follows:
The viscosity of a liquid reduces as the temperature rises.
As the temperature rises, gasses become more viscous.
The fluidity increases as the temperature rises.
3. What is the Definition of an Ideal Fluid and What is its Use?
An ideal fluid is also called a perfect fluid, and it has the below-mentioned properties:
It can not be compressed.
It has a constant density.
It has no viscosity.