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CBSE Class 10 Hindi B Question Paper Set 1 (4/3/1) 2022


Hindi B Set 1 (4/3/1) Question Paper for CBSE Class 10 - 2022 with Solutions - FREE PDF Download

Prepare effectively for your CBSE Class 10 Hindi B exam with the Set 1 (4/3/1) question paper from 2022. Download the FREE PDF, which includes detailed solutions aligned with the latest Class 10 Hindi B Syllabus. Each solution is clearly explained to ensure a solid understanding of the material. This resource will help you understand the exam format and improve your problem-solving skills.

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Additionally, Vedantu offers Class 10 Hindi B Previous Question Paper, which includes different years of papers to help students practise a variety of questions. Download now to start your preparation and boost your confidence for the upcoming exams.

Instructions to Follow - CBSE Class 10 Hindi B Question Paper Set 1 (4/3/1) 2022

निम्नलिखित निर्देशों को बहुत सावधानी से पढ़िए और उनका अनुपालन कीजिए :

(i) इस प्रश्न-पत्र में कुल 8 प्रश्न हैं।

(ii) इस प्रश्न-पत्र में कुल दो खंड हैं - खंड क और खंड ख।

(iii) खंड क में कुल 3 प्रश्न हैं। दिए गए निर्देशों का पालन करते हुए इनके उत्तर दीजिए।

(iv) खंड ख में कुल 5 प्रश्न हैं। दिए गए निर्देशों का पालन करते हुए इनके उत्तर दीजिए।

(v) प्रत्येक प्रश्न को ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़ते हुए यथासंभव क्रमबद्ध उत्तर लिखिए।

Syllabus and Weightage of Units for CBSE Hindi B Class 10 - Exam 2024-25





Unseen Passage






Textbook and Supplementary Book



Creative Writing


Total: 80 (Annual Board Exam) + 20 (Internal Assessment)

Benefits of Solving CBSE Class 10 Hindi B Question Paper Set 1 (4/3/1) 2022

  • Helps students get familiar with the exam format, types of questions, and marking scheme.

  • Assists students in learning how to manage their time effectively during the actual exam.

  • Enables students to identify and focus on their weak areas for improvement.

  • Builds confidence by providing practice and reducing exam anxiety.

  • Improves student’s ability to write precise and well-structured answers.

  • Acts as a thorough revision tool, covering all major topics and concepts.

  • Allows students to assess their performance and make necessary adjustments in their study plan.


The CBSE Class 10 Hindi B Question Paper Set 1 (4/3/1) for 2022 comprehensively evaluates students' proficiency in Hindi literature and language skills. For optimal preparation, students are encouraged to review the syllabus thoroughly, practise past papers, and utilise resources from Vedantu for additional support and revision. This approach ensures a well-rounded preparation strategy, helping students in achieving their best in the examination.

Class 10 Hindi B Question Paper 2022 Links  - All Other Sets

Class 10 Hindi B Year-wise Question Papers (2013-2024)

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FAQs on CBSE Class 10 Hindi B Question Paper Set 1 (4/3/1) 2022

1. How many sections are there in this question paper?

The CBSE Class 10 Hindi B Set 1 (4/3/1) Question Paper for 2022 is divided into three sections.

2. What is the total number of marks for this question paper?

The total number of marks for this question paper is 40.

3. What is the marking scheme for Section B?

The marking scheme for Section B of the CBSE Class 10 Hindi B Set 1 (4/3/1) Question Paper 2022 is as follows: Question 4 is worth 3 marks, Question 5 is worth 3 marks, Question 6 is worth 3 marks, Question 7 is worth 3 marks (2+1), Question 8 is worth 3 marks, Question 9 is worth 3 marks, Question 10 is worth 3 marks, and Question 11 is worth 3 marks, making a total of 24 marks for Section B.

4. What is the marking scheme for Section B?

In Section B of the CBSE Class 10 Hindi B Set 1 question paper, the marking scheme typically awards marks based on the relevance of the answer, clarity of expression, adherence to the topic, and correctness of grammar and language usage.

5. How many words should the answers be for Section A questions?

Answers in Section A should generally be between 30 to 40 words, focusing on concise and clear responses to the questions asked.

6. How many words should the answers be for Section B questions?

For Section B, answers should be between 80 to 100 words. This allows students to provide detailed responses while adhering to the word limit.

7. What types of questions are included in Section B?

Section B typically includes short-answer questions, including descriptive questions, and may require explanations, descriptions, or brief essays based on the given prompts.

8. Are there any specific formats required for Section B questions?

Section B questions might require specific formats depending on the type of question. For example, for descriptive answers, students should follow a structured approach, including an introduction, body, and conclusion, while ensuring proper grammar and coherence.

9. How should one approach answering the creative writing questions in Section B?

For creative writing questions in Section B, students should focus on originality and creativity. It's important to follow the prompt closely, organise thoughts logically, and use engaging language to make the writing compelling.

10. Are there any specific instructions for writing advertisements or letters in Section B?

Yes, for advertisements or letters in Section B, students should follow specific formats: advertisements should include a catchy heading and relevant details, while letters should follow the formal structure of salutation, body, and closing, ensuring clarity and appropriateness in language.