Class 12 Entrepreneurship CBSE Question Paper 2016 - PDF Download
FAQs on CBSE Class 12 Entrepreneurship Question Paper 2016
1. Is the 2016 Question Paper Accurate For Studying?
Yes, the guidance of this and any previous year question paper is just accurate. Overall, the students should know the pattern used by the board and they should analyse almost 10 last year question papers to know the maximum coverage of questions that are asked by the board.
2. How Should I Prepare this Subject?
The students can prepare the subject by understanding and then learning the concepts. They should mandatorily be clear about each concept to solve the analytical questions in the exam like a pro. They are also advised to go through various test papers which includes studying the previous year question papers. Further, they should also know the way of presenting their answers.
3. How Will the Study of this Subject Help the Students in their Future Career?
The students can join the entrepreneurship or the business schools if they develop an interest in this subject. This will assure a total build-up in their lifestyle as well in their career positively. They can initiate their own business where they will be much benefitted with this study as they will know about the business threats and opportunities from an early age. This will also help the students to build their emotional status as well.
4. Is the Subject Scoring?
Yes, the subject is very interesting as well as scoring.
5. How to prepare for the entrepreneurship subject in CBSE Class 12?
Time management must be given prime importance and key points must be noted down in a separate notebook. Revision time must be utilized to the utmost and effectively. Vedantu helps in understanding the subject better by explaining the essential topics in a more interactive and interesting manner because students should be able to relate business topics with reality to score even better.
6. Is entrepreneurship a scoring subject in board exams of CBSE class 12?
The entrepreneurship paper is one of the most interesting and main subjects of the Commerce stream students and is also a very much scoring subject, provided the students are clear with concepts and the formulas remembered by heart. Vedantu helps you with separate notes for remembering important points and all concepts in a cool way. With a good amount of revision, you can definitely score higher in this subject.
7. What is the subject of entrepreneurship all about in CBSE Class 12?
The subject Entrepreneurship enables the students to learn all about starting and maintaining a new business effectively. It inculcates the ability to develop, organize and run a business venture, along with explaining any of its uncertainties to the students in order to make a living in their near future. It also gives the students confidence and enables them to think creatively and uniquely when they plan to settle in their lives.
8. How is entrepreneurship subject beneficial/useful for a student of CBSE class 12?
This subject prepares the students for their future. It helps them to identify problems easily and provide solutions easily. Students can effectively create their own opportunities using the latest technologies. Vedantu helps in improving the students’ creativity and innovative sense within themselves. This subject helps in contributing directly or indirectly to the economy of the country.
9. How to prepare for entrepreneurship subjects easily in CBSE class 12?
Read through your revision notes as often as possible, without trying to rot memorize them so that you will be able to remember a lot. Try to understand the concept better point-wise so you can answer questions easily. Highlight and rewrite important points for reference before exams. Focus on the class 12 NCERT books and prepare with help of the Vedantu solutions as most of the exam is based on that.