Class 12 Physical Education CBSE Question Paper 2016 - PDF Download
The class 12th board exam is the key that decides our higher education. To score well in class 12th board you have to work hard as every student has that one fear or pressure in their mind, that how to do well in the 12th board exam. As the name suggests, physical education totally covers the topics based on sports, athletics, games, health exercise, and various other activities. As physical education is considered a scoring subject so students mainly prefer to opt for this and improve their percentage in the board exams.
About Physical Education Subject
It is an optional subject and every student is free to make their choice when it is about an optional subject. If you are good at sports knowledge or game-related topics then you can easily score 90+ marks in physical education. However, students have to put in a lot of effort so that they can get a good percentage in their CBSE board exam of Class 12th. Apart from clearing your concepts on different topics, you have to practice a number of previous year papers by which you will develop a standard answer forming skill which will make your answer more attractive and illustrative and apart from this you will also learn time management i.e how much time should be given to that particular question.
Strategy Needed For Preparation
Students should devote their full concentration to physical education subjects as it has so many sports-related or physical activities related theories which makes it a little bit confusing and difficult in getting them so the only way by which we can mug up all these concepts easily is by going through all the theories or topics every day. The more you practice the smarter you become in that particular subject, so to make us perfect in physical education we have to solve more and more practice papers.
Role of Vedantu
You can solve more and more practice papers as so many practice sets are available in both offline and online mode as online practice sets are there on the Vedantu site and you can solve it in both online and offline mode. Consistency or command in the subject is a very important part of preparing for the CBSE board exam as CBSE is a central board exam and always plays a crucial role in making our future bright. If you think you will study at the last moment i.e for one or two months then trust us this will not work at all. We as the Vedantu family provide you with motivational articles that will help you in motivating yourself regarding exam preparation so that you can plan the best time table for you. As soon as you start your preparation for the board exam at a certain point you face several challenges so to overcome all these challenges you need a mentor so we provide you all our best mentors, who will help you in dealing with these challenges.
Pattern of Paper
Physical education class 12th paper of CBSE board has different topics related to sports, health fitness, and other general awareness regarding health. The question paper has three sections; they are section A, section B, and section C. In section A you have to attempt all five questions they are MCQ-based, in section B you have to attempt only six questions from the given questions, and in section C you have to attempt only two questions among all given questions in that particular section. So while solving all three sections you need to be more peculiar and should have proper time management as all sections need different time duration based on their marking scheme and word limits.
Above is the link to the 2016 solved paper of physical education and by all question papers, you will get the pattern of the question paper and learn time strategy regarding solving papers. The full paper is solved by Vedantu experts and this will help you to frame answers while solving question papers of physical education as physical education is always considered as a scoring subject in the CBSE board. So Vedantu provides you the best educator for physical education and they will help you at every point of your preparation for the board exam.
Topics Covered in Physical Education Class 12
Physical education is a vast subject and is one of the most important subjects. A lot of important topics are covered in physical education which is of great knowledge for students. So, the chapters which are there in the class 12 physical education syllabus are - planning in sports, adventure sports and leadership training, children and sports, women and sports, sports and nutrition, postures, training in sports, psychology in sports, biomechanics in sports, sports medicine, physiology in sports, and test and measurement in sports. These are the topics that are included in the syllabus of class 12 physical education.
Importance of Physical Education in Class 12
The most important thing that students learn from physical education is ethics which students need in this competitive world. The students learn perseverance and work ethics from physical education which is much needed in this era of living. In the field of sports or physical education, disputes often arise and it is being reduced from these characteristics which we can learn from physical education.
Physical education is an important element in most schools because it helps in maintaining the physical fitness of students which is a key ingredient for a healthy life. When students perform fitness activities on a regular basis, they stay healthy and fit which is good for everyone and leads to a better lifestyle. Regular physical activities help in the absorption of nutrients in a better way and also help in keeping a lot of things in a body fit.
Physical education also helps in improving the academic performance of the students which is beneficial for them. Most of the physical activities that students do in their schools result in higher concentration which in turn helps the students in better behavior. Physical activities and sports activities help the students in making their minds refresh which eventually helps them in boosting their knowledge which is learned in the classroom.
Physical education is the only time in the school when students are able to meet and interact with their classmates and other schoolmates. It helps in making their social behavior improve. During the class physical education, students learn to cooperate with each other through various group activities and make their identities among each other as well as of the teams.
Physical activities also help in decreasing the stress levels of students. There is a lot of academic pressure on the students nowadays. Students spend a lot of hours doing their homework, assignments, projects, etc. these things lead to a lot of pressure which can be mentally and physically. Physical activities help in taking those stress away and make them relaxed. It also leads to emotional stability as a relaxed mind helps in making a lot of thighs better and leading a good life.
When we do not take any breaks from our work, it is very difficult to focus on our work. It affects you and your work very badly in every way. Kids too are experiencing these things because of their hectic academic pressure. That is why physical education is very important and necessary for students. When students are involved in the physical activities in their schools, they will be able to freshen up their minds and can then focus on their academics properly and effectively.