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Previous Year Question Papers for CBSE Class 12 Hindi (Hindi Core and Hindi Elective)


CBSE Class 12 Hindi PYQPs with Solutions - FREE PDF Download

Vedantu provides CBSE Class 12 Hindi Previous Year Question Papers with Solutions for all the academic years. These question papers help students understand the exam pattern, types of questions asked, and the best ways to approach answers. By practising these papers, students can improve their time management and gain confidence before the exams. The solutions provided by Vedantu are clear and detailed, allowing students to review their performance and identify areas for improvement from the chapters of the Class 12 Hindi Syllabus. Download the FREE PDF for easy access and start practising today!

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Access Previous Year Question Paper for Hindi Class 12 

Access Previous Year Question Paper for Hindi (Core) Class 12

Download previous year question papers for Hindi (Core) Class 12 to enhance your exam preparation. Practice with past papers to understand the question pattern and improve your performance.

Access Previous Year Question Paper for Class 12 Hindi Elective

Download previous year question papers for Class 12 Hindi Elective to boost your exam preparation. Practice with past papers to understand the question format and improve your scores.

CBSE Class 12 Hindi Question Paper Pattern

Class 12 Hindi Core:

(i) इस ग्रश्न-पत्र में प्रश्नों की संख्या 13 है। सभी प्रश्न अनिवार्य हैं।

(ii) इस ग्रश्न-पत्र में दो खण्ड हैं - खण्ड आ और ब।

(iii) खण्ड अ में 40 बहुविकल्पी/वस्तुपरक प्रश्न पूछे गए हैं । दिए गए निर्देशों का पालन करते हुए सभी प्रश्नों के उत्तर लिखिए।

(iv) खण्ड ब में वर्णनात्मक प्रश्न पूछे गए हैं, आंतरिक विकल्प भी दिए गए हैं।

(v) प्रश्नों के उत्तर दिए गए निर्देशों का पालन करते हुए लिखिए ।

(vi) यथासंभव सभी प्रश्नों के उत्तर क्रमानुसार लिखिए।

Class 12 Hindi Elective:

(i) इस ग्रश्न-पत्र में प्रश्नों की संख्या 14 है। सभी प्रश्न अनिवार्य हैं।

(ii) इस ग्रश्न-पत्र में दो खण्ड हैं - खण्ड आ और ब।

(iii) खण्ड अ में 40 बहुविकल्पी/वस्तुपरक प्रश्न पूछे गए हैं । दिए गए निर्देशों का पालन करते हुए सभी प्रश्नों के उत्तर लिखिए।

(iv) खण्ड ब में वर्णनात्मक प्रश्न पूछे गए हैं, आंतरिक विकल्प भी दिए गए हैं।

(v) प्रश्नों के उत्तर दिए गए निर्देशों का पालन करते हुए लिखिए ।

(vi) यथासंभव सभी प्रश्नों के उत्तर क्रमानुसार लिखिए।

Tips to solve Class 12 Hindi Previous Year Question Paper

  • Understand the Exam Pattern: Familiarise yourself with the exam format, including the types of questions (e.g., short answer, long answer, essays) and the marking scheme. This will help you allocate time effectively during the exam.

  • Review the Syllabus: Make sure to go through the syllabus thoroughly. Understanding the key topics and themes will guide your preparation and help you focus on important areas.

  • Practice Regularly: Consistently practise with previous year question papers. This will not only help you get used to the question format but also improve your time management skills.

  • Analyse the Marking Scheme: Pay attention to how marks are distributed across different sections. This can help you prioritise questions based on their weightage.

  • Time Management: Set a timer while practising to simulate exam conditions. Allocate specific time limits for each question or section to enhance your speed and efficiency.

  • Focus on Language and Presentation: Pay attention to your language, grammar, and presentation style. Clear and concise writing, along with proper paragraphing, can make a significant difference in your scores.

  • Refer to Model Answers: After solving the papers, compare your answers with model answers or solutions provided by teachers or reference books. This will help you identify areas for improvement.

  • Highlight Key Points: When answering essay-type questions, start with a clear introduction, followed by well-structured paragraphs. Highlight key points and concepts to make your answers more impactful.

  • Revise Regularly: Regular revision of the concepts and themes covered in previous papers will help reinforce your understanding and memory, making it easier to recall during the exam.

  • Stay Calm and Confident: On the day of the exam, stay calm and maintain confidence in your preparation. A positive mindset can greatly influence your performance.

Benefits of Solving Class 12 Hindi Previous Year Question Paper

  • Students become familiar with the question format, types of questions, and marks distribution.

  • Practising previous year papers helps in improving speed and managing time efficiently during the actual exam.

  • It helps in recognizing recurring themes or chapters that are frequently asked, allowing focused study.

  • By solving PYQP, students can assess their understanding of the subject and improve their weak areas.

  • Familiarity with the paper structure and types of questions enhances confidence and reduces exam-related anxiety.

  • PYQP helps in practising concise and well-structured answers as per exam standards.


Solving Class 12 Hindi Previous Year Question Papers is a highly effective way to prepare for exams. It helps students understand the question patterns, improve time management, and identify important topics. Regular practice boosts confidence and enhances answer-writing skills, ensuring students are well-prepared for the exam. By working through these papers, students can approach their Hindi exam with clarity and confidence.

CBSE Previous Year Question Papers for Class 12

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FAQs on Previous Year Question Papers for CBSE Class 12 Hindi (Hindi Core and Hindi Elective)

1. Why should a student consider solving a previous year question paper for CBSE Class 12 Hindi? 

Solving previous year Hindi question papers for CBSE Class 12 is a good practice that is recommended by almost every teacher out there. This is because one can easily gain some practice in doing so for their exam preparations. They can also obtain some of the most necessary insights for their preparations as well including marking scheme, time management, focus topics, etc. These are also combined with getting an idea about the type of questions that one should be able to answer during their main exams. 

2. How can a student get an idea about the markings scheme of the Hindi CBSE Class 12 paper?

The marking scheme is one such thing that all the students must know as well as pay attention to. This is due to the fact that the students can prioritize their focus points when they are preparing for such CBSE Class 12 question papers. The best ways are two. One is to check out the syllabus where all the marking schemes will be marked as per the sections of the paper. Another is to get your hands on the previous year question papers, where you can find how each question might be marked as. 

3. Are solving previous year Hindi question papers helpful for a student of Class 12 CBSE Board?

CBSE Board is one of the most prestigious organizations, and hence passing their exams with good grades means a lot. Hindi being a very scoring subject is one that can help the students with their overall grades. This may even help you in bumping your overall grades up a notch or two. The question papers are helpful in a way where one can be confident about the way that they have prepared for the exam and score well as and when the time comes to appear in the exams.

4. Can I find help in solving the Hindi question paper of the previous year for CBSE Class 12?

An easy answer to this question would be that there are many ways in which you can get help in finding solutions to the Hindi question papers from previous years. Students can very easily download PDFs from platforms like Vedantu, where PDFs are available online and can be made use of after downloading them. A student has the option of solving the previous year question papers on their own and then comparing the solutions to yours to check if you are on the right track or not.


You can avail all the well-researched and good quality chapters, sample papers, syllabus on various topics from the website of Vedantu and its mobile application available on the play store. 

5. Is it recommended to solve the previous year question papers for CBSE Class 12, Hindi?

Yes, solving a previous year question paper is one of a kind of practice that the students are recommended to perform. Many teachers and tutors have chimed in regarding this for over years and still do. This is one of the best practices for a student to get ready for their exams without much nervousness. This practice can boost confidence and make a student gain clarity in terms of the main CBSE Class 12 Hindi question paper that they will have to solve. 

6. Are there any recommended reference books for CBSE Class 12 Hindi?

While the NCERT textbook is essential, students can also refer to additional guides and reference books that offer summaries, sample papers, and model answers to help enhance their understanding of the syllabus and improve their writing skills.

7. How important is time management during the Hindi exam?

Time management is crucial during the exam. Students should practise solving previous papers within the allocated time to ensure they can complete the exam efficiently and leave time for reviewing their answers.

8. What should I focus on while preparing for the Literature section?

While preparing for the Literature section, focus on understanding the main themes, character sketches, and literary devices used in the prescribed texts. Summaries and analysis of each chapter or poem will aid in answering questions more effectively.

9. Can I use notes during the exam?

No, students are not allowed to use notes or reference materials during the CBSE Class 12 Hindi exam. All answers must be written from memory and understanding of the subject matter.

10. Is there a specific marking scheme for the Hindi Question Paper?

Yes, the CBSE follows a specific marking scheme that outlines how marks are allocated for different sections and types of questions. Students should review this scheme to understand how their responses will be evaluated.