CBSE Class 12 Maths Board Exam Question Paper for 2018 - Free PDF Download
FAQs on CBSE Class 12 Maths Question Paper 2018 with Solutions - Free PDF
1. Where can I find resources for CBSE Class 12 Maths?
You can get free NCERT resources from Vedantu. Vedantu can provide the best solutions when it comes to Class 12 board exams. Other resources can be found on the internet also. There are many published books in the market, these books can prove to be a good resource. The best resource out of all is the NCERT textbook. If you use the NCERT textbook in the best possible way you can score well. You can also find notes of the NCERT textbook on various platforms and apps.
2. Why should I study from the textbook in Class 12 CBSE?
The best source of the right information is the textbook. You can easily find the answers to your difficulties in the text of your NCERT book. The textbook is important not only from the point of view of the board exams but also in terms of knowledge. The textbook helps in clearing your doubts and getting your facts straight. You can refer to the NCERT textbook for other exams also. The textbook can prove to be a base for your further studies. NCERT textbooks are helpful in the government exams too.
3. Should I solve all the questions given in the exercise of the NCERT textbook?
It is advised to solve all the questions given in the textbook exercise. The questions are curated at the end of the Chapter keeping in mind the board examinations. When you solve those questions, you do not all clear your doubts but also develop a better understanding of the subject. Try solving the exercise at least once, if you make mistakes do cross-check them with the information given in the Chapter. You should go through the exercise right before the exams too. As from years of experience, there is a fair share of questions in the board exams that are asked from the textbook exercises.
4. How should I prepare for CBSE Class 12 Maths exams?
The best way to prepare for a Maths exam is to practice as much as possible. The only way you can ace the CBSE Class 12 board exam is by practicing as much as you can. When you practice Maths, you discover your silly mistakes. When you discover your silly mistakes, you avoid making them again. Make sure you practice all kinds of numerical problems. Know the weightage of each Chapter and try practicing accordingly. First, solve all the numerical problems given in your NCERT textbook and after you are clear about them move to reference books. It is not mandatory to solve numerical problems given in different reference books but it is helpful.
5. What is the meaning of Integrals in Class 12 CBSE Maths?
Integration is one of the most important Chapters in Class 12 Maths. The area under the curve in calculus is known as Integral. As a Mathematical function is can be referred to with the representation in a graph. Integration is the opposite of derivation and is also known as the antiderivative. There are various formulas in the Chapter on integration that are used to fetch functions in Mathematics. Integration is an interesting Chapter, but it requires practice as it is a bit difficult.
6. What are the various types of questions that are asked in the Class 12 Maths paper 2018?
The various types of questions asked in the Maths Class 12 2018 paper are as follows:
Section A - Consists of 04 questions which are from Q1 - Q04. Each question carries a total of 1 mark each. This section is filled with different types of questions like:
Fill in the blanks
Multiple choices
Very short answer
Single line solutions
Section B - consists of 8 questions which are from Q05 - Q12. Each question carries 2 marks each. These are also known as short answer questions but they have at least one or two steps to solve the questions.
Section C - consists of 11 questions which are from Q13 - Q23. Each question carries 4 marks each. These are a little longer to answer types of questions.
Section D - Consists of 6 questions which are from Q24 - Q29. Each question carries 6 marks each. These are long answer-type questions and usually consist of proving theorems or lengthy solving problems.
7. What was the Chapter-wise marks distribution for CBSE Class 12 Maths 2018 paper?
The Chapterwise marks distribution for CBSE Class 12 Maths 2018 paper is as follows:
Relations and Functions - 1+6=7
Matrices - 1+2=3
Inverse Trigonometric Functions - 1+2=3
Continuity and Differentiability - 2+4=6
Determinants - 4+6=10
Integrals - 2+4=6
Application of Derivatives - 2+4=6
Differential Equations - 4+2=6
Application of Integrals - 6
Three Dimensional Geometry - 4+6=10
Vector Algebra - 1+2+4=7
Probability - 4+4+2=10
Linear Programming - 6
The students felt that the paper was comparatively easy. Most of them expected to pay somewhere between 75 to 90 marks. There were no out of syllabus questions. Also, no questions were repeated from the previous year’s Question Papers. On the whole, scoring was not all that difficult for the students.
8. What are the benefits of referring to previous year Question Papers?
Preparing for Class 12 Maths is no easy task. There is always the double stress of taking up the board exam along with the competitive exams like JEE and NEET exams. The only positive aspect of this is that the syllabus for the same is almost the same. However, the preparation strategy for both of them is different. One of the most important aspects of the exam preparation process is referring to the previous year’s Question Papers. The main advantages of referring to the previous year Question Papers are as follows:
Helps you to understand the paper pattern first hand.
Aids you to learn time and pressure management for the actual board exam.
Helps you to identify important topics from an exam point of view.
Gives you abundant practice sessions for better scoring.
Helps you to analyze your preparation levels as it covers the entire syllabus.
9. Is Vedantu helpful for students to score well in exams?
Vedantu is the leading online platform in India. The main aim of Vedantu is to help students learn the right way to study. Vedantu strives to achieve the same through various means and methods. The following are the ways through which Vedantu hopes to help students score well in exams:
Solved Previous Year Question Papers
Solved sample papers
Exemplar papers solutions
NCERT solutions
LIVE Online Classes
All the above materials are aimed at helping students learn the art of writing the answers correctly and accurately. It is made to help students understand the concepts more clearly and effectively. All these above solutions are made available as a free PDF download to the students.