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CBSE Class 10 Science Board Question Paper 2019 with Solutions


CBSE Class 10 Science Board Question Paper 2019 with Solutions - Free PDF

Previous year question papers provided by Vedantu will help you in preparing well for your upcoming examination 2019. Practicing these by downloading CBSE Class 10 Science Question Paper 2019 in pdf, contains a similar paper pattern as given by CBSE as it will help you to be confident in exams. CBSE Board Exam 2019 Science Question Paper Class 10 will help you get acquainted with the paper pattern and practice the same very well. Vedantu is a platform that provides free NCERT Solutions and other study materials for students. Math Students who are looking for better solutions ,They can download Class 10 Maths NCERT Solutions to help you to revise the complete syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

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CBSE Class 10 Science Board Question Paper 2019 with Solutions
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How CBSE Class 10 Science Question Paper 2019 pdf will help you?

Paper Pattern 

The CBSE Class 10 previous year question papers for science are divided into four sections which are A, B, C and D.

Section A: This section consists of objective types questions each of 1 mark. This section will have two questions and both the questions are to be answered. 

Section B: This section will have a very short answer type questions which carries 2 marks. Three questions will be asked and all the questions are to be answered. 

Section C: This section is for 30 marks and will have ten short answers and they carry 3 marks each. 

Section D: This section is also for 30 marks and will have six long answer type questions and they carry 5 marks each. 

Section E: This section is also for 12 marks and will have six short answer type questions and they carry 2 marks each.

These Class 10 Science Question Paper include a set of questions which are asked in previous year exams. Mastering these practice papers will help you get an idea about the type of questions and the time required for solving it. This will help you to improve your performance and understanding. The CBSE Class 10 Science Question Paper 2019 Set 1 is also being provided by the teachers as an assignment, so the students can get a precise idea about the upcoming exams.

The best way to keep yourself prepared is to refer to the CBSE 2019 Science Question Paper with solutions. Referring to them have a raft of benefits which are as follows:

  • Questions Format & Model of the Paper

Having a piece of sufficient knowledge about the type, nature and format of the questions being asked in the examination is really necessary. The questions can be in the form of subjective or objective. The strategy used to answer them will differ. Subjective answers take a longer time to write when compared to the objective type questions. But, objective type questions take a long time to think. The best and the only way to be prepared to tackle these hurdles is by referring and practicing CBSE Board Exam 2019 Science Question Paper of Class 10

  • Exam Pattern

Having a thorough understanding of the exam pattern is necessary to develop an attitude towards clearing the exam. This will give you an extremity to play by your strength. It gives you a clear picture regarding the weightage on topics, marks allotted, and most importantly the important topics that would be targeted in the paper. It will help you formalize a strategy for your preparation making your groundwork stronger.

Point Out Important Topics

CBSE Class 10 Science has a huge and vast syllabus to complete. They cover an array of topics with extremely detailed conceptual understanding. However, the exam does not require you to study all of them. A proper analysis of previous years papers will help you understand topics that are repetitive with a lot of weightage making your preparations smarter and easier.

  • Practice

An exam is a place where you have to reproduce all the information learnt by you for many months in mere hours. This is possible only with repetitive practice of Science Question Paper 2019 Class 10. Practicing with CBSE Class 10 Science Paper 2019 Solutions will help you to train your mind to remember the right answers at the right time. This will help you to give your 100% in the exam hall without feeling any extra pressure. Remember “Practice makes a man perfect”.

  • Evaluate Your Preparation

Repeated practice of previous papers will help you to analyze your preparation. It will point out your strengths and weak spots. This will give you a better picture of topics that need more effort and areas that need only a quick revision. Accessing your preparation will also help you to excel in the competition outside. Repeated practice will make you well versed in all the topics of your syllabus.

  • Be Prepared Mentally

No matter how well you prepare, exams are a nightmare for most of them. Those three hours in the exam hall are the toughest and longest of the day. We sometimes even tend to forget answers and mix up questions in sheer fear. While practicing, being able to answer right in the given frame of time will make you realize there is nothing really to be afraid of. It will fill you with confidence in making your performance in the exams better for best scoring.

  • Time Management

Having to reproduce an entire year's syllabus in a few hours is a daunting task. It is demanding, pressuring but yet necessary. It is important to be able to allocate specific time to specific questions to be able to answer them perfectly. This will increase the quality of your preparation as well as your answer. Practicing previous years question papers will help you to be prepared to allocate the necessary time for each question and allow you to give your best in the limited time constraint.

Recognize Important Topics

Knowing what to prepare for the exam is more important. Below is the list of the important topics that are to be covered.

Chapters and Important Topics

  • Chemical Reactions and Equations

1. Chemical equations (Writing and balancing)

2. Different types of chemical reactions

  • Acids, Bases and Salts

1. Reactions of acids and bases

2. The reaction of oxides with acids and bases

3. Different types of salts

  • Metals and Non-Metals

1. Chemical properties of metals (special reference to reactions with air and water)

2. Properties of ionic compounds

3. Extraction of metals towards the activity series

  • Carbon and Its Compounds

1. Different allotropes of carbon (only SA questions)

2. Nomenclature of organic compounds

3. Addition reaction and substitution reaction

4. Properties of ethanol and ethanoic acid

5. Formation of soaps and detergents

  • Periodic Classification of Elements

1. Mendeleev’s periodic table

2. Properties of the modern periodic table

  • Life Processes

1. Mode of nutrition (with special reference to autotrophic nutrition)

2. Human digestive system

3. Human respiratory system

4. The function of the human heart

5. Formation of urine

  • Control and Coordination

1. Reflex action

2. The function of the human brain

3. Hormones in animals

  • How Do Organisms Reproduce?

1. Differences between various modes of asexual reproduction

2. Double fertilisation

3. Male reproductive system

4. Fertilization in females

  • Heredity and Evolution

1. Mendel’s Laws

2. Law of independent assortment

3. Homologous and analogous organs

4. Evolution of wild cabbage

  • Light: Reflection and Refraction

1.Image formation by spherical mirrors due to reflection

2. Image formation by spherical lens due to refraction

3. Sign convention for reflection by spherical mirrors and for refraction by a spherical lens

4. Mirror and lens formula along with magnification for both the cases

  • The Human Eye and the Colorful World

1. The working of a human eye and parts of it

2. Power of accommodation for the human eye

3. Defects of the human eye along with their corrective measures

4. Dispersion of white light passing through the triangular prism

5. Atmospheric refraction and scattering

6. Tyndall effect

  • Electricity

1. Ohm’s law

2. Resistance, factors on which it depends, resistivity

3. The effective resistance of the resistors connected in series and parallel combination

4. Joule’s law of heating and electric power

  • Magnetic Effects of Electric Current

1. Magnetic field due to various current-carrying conductors

2. Right-hand thumb rule and left-hand rule

3.Magnetic force due to current-carrying conductors and electric motor

4.Electromagnetic induction and electric generator

5. Domestic electric circuits

  • Sources of Energy

1.Conventional and non-conventional sources of energy

  • Our Environment

1. Significance of food chain and food web

2. Energy flow (10%)

  • Management of Natural Resources

1. 3Rs to save the environment

2. Different stakeholders

3. Method of water harvesting

Tips for Attempting the CBSE Class 10 Science Question Paper

While attempting the paper students must keep in mind the below mentioned things:

  • Attempt the questions based on the marks allocated to it.

  • Do not get stuck on one particular question. Students must move on if they aren't able to find the answer to a particular question.

  • Keep an eye on the time and try to finish the entire paper in the allocated time duration.

  • Draw the diagram wherever required and explain the answers in detail.

  • Write answers in good handwriting and try to maintain it till the end of the answer sheet.

Vedantu – Your One-Stop Study Companion

At Vedantu, we desire to change the age-old ways of education as it has become inefficient. We have streamlined our digital education platform to suit this tech-savvy generation and make learning a fun experience for them.

At Vedantu, we desire to change the age-old ways of education as it has become inefficient. Getting enough practice by solving CBSE previous year question papers Class 10 Science is something we, at Vedantu, believe in strongly. By practicing CBSE Class 10 Science Question Paper on a regular basis, students can overcome the fear of exams. These last year papers also aid in the pressure of taking a real exam.

The purpose of finishing the previous year question papers isn't fulfilled until you complete evaluating yourself. You must solve the CBSE Class 10 Science Question Paper 2019 after you complete its syllabus. You should keep track of where you make mistakes and try not to make them again in the future. There are a lot of CBSE Class 10 Science Previous Year Question Papers to solve, some are also available with Solutions in PDF format to assist you in self-evaluation.

If you have good writing skills, you can easily get higher marks and those writing skills can be advanced by practicing sample papers. It becomes very critical for students to review the CBSE Class 10 Science Question Paper Solutions after completing a question paper. Solving sample papers is the most effective technique to know what type of questions are asked in the board exam and what you should expect from your forthcoming exam. 

Previous year question papers from Vedantu can help you prepare for your forthcoming exams in 2019. Practicing these by obtaining CBSE Class 10 Science Question Paper 2019 in PDF, which features a similar paper pattern to that used by CBSE, can make you feel more confident in exams. CBSE Board Exam 2019 Science Question Paper Class 10 will assist you in familiarizing yourself with the paper pattern and putting it to good use. You will find all the previous years question papers on Vedantu. Vedantu is a website that offers students free NCERT Solutions and other study tools. Vedantu helps you to learn about the key ideas and prepares you for the CBSE Class 10 board exam to get better grades. 

On Vedantu, you will get sample papers with solutions as well. These solutions are prepared by experts who have years of experience in their respective subjects. They prepare these solutions according to the marks distribution so that you get an idea of how you should answer questions in exams. As per the importance of the previous year exam papers, Vedantu has also included the CBSE Class 10 Science Question Paper 2019. So, you will get a complete study guide on Vedantu. All your bases will be covered here.

What Should You Keep In Mind In An Examination Hall

When you sit in the examination hall, you need to keep in mind a lot of things. For instance, you need to start the paper by giving a thorough read to the entire paper. Once you read the entire paper, you will be able to prioritize the questions. Answer those questions first that seem easy to you because if you start by answering the difficult questions first, you might get stuck there and will eventually run out of time. That's why it becomes mandatory for you to move on to the next question if you are stuck with any question. Answer questions as per the allocation of marks. 

Answer all questions in such a way that you complete your paper in the given time. Sometimes in papers, you have to draw figures and diagrams. You should use a pencil to draw these neatly. Fill in details to the diagrams as well. Even when answering, your handwriting should be neat and clean. You should use only one pen either black or blue. (As per the instructions) Don't use too many coloured pens. 

Your answer sheet should be attractive. Use bullet points to draw the attention of the grader. All your answers should be to the point and use all possible details in them. Don't spend too much time on a single question. Use your time effectively. Once you've completed your paper, give it a re-read so that you don't leave any questions unanswered. Also, check your details again and make sure you have filled them properly. 

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FAQs on CBSE Class 10 Science Board Question Paper 2019 with Solutions

1. How many chapters are there in CBSE Class 10 Science?

According to the CBSE's most recent syllabus, the NCERT Science textbook for Class 10 has a total of 16 Chapters. The chapters included in CBSE Class 10 NCERT Science Syllabus NCERT are as follows:

  • Chemical Reactions And Equations. 

  • Acids, Bases And Salts

  • Metals And Non-metals

  • Carbon And Its Compounds 

  • Periodic Classification Of Elements

  • Life Processes

  • Control And Coordination

  • How Do Organisms Reproduce

  • Heredity And Evolution

  • Human Eye And Colorful World 

  • Sources Of Energy

  • Our Environment 

  • Management Of Natural Resources 

  • Light Refraction And Reflection 

  • Electricity 

  • Magnetic Effect Of Electric Current 

2. What is the ecosystem and what are its components?

It is a mixture of an artificial ecosystem and natural ecosystem. You will also read about the components of an ecosystem which are biotic and abiotic factors. Biotic factors include producers, consumers and decomposers. Abiotic factors include climatic factors and edaphic factors.

3.  Explain about wildlife and forests concept from chapter 16 of Class 10 science.

Here, the students will be introduced to the biodiversity hotspots. You shall also read about the plants and wildlife in a particular habitat. Why our ecosystem is getting damaged with the loss of biodiversity has been taught here. In the other part of the chapter we’ll be discussing: 

  • Stakeholders of forest

  • Monoculture

  • Industrialists’ mentality and influence

  • People intervention in forests

  • Damage to forests and Wildlife

  • Sustainable development

  • Chipko movement

4. What are the main concepts that are covered in Chapter 2 acids, bases and salts? How many exercise questions are there in this chapter?

Acids, Bases and Salts is the second chapter of CBSE Board Class 10 Science Book. This chapter will teach you about the chemical properties of various substances. You will also come across concepts like acids and bases in the laboratory, more about salts, the family of salts, PH of salts, chemicals from common salts, are the crystals of salts really dry, how strong are acid or base solution, the reaction of metallic oxides with acids, the reaction of non-metallic oxides with base and how do acids and bases react with metals. Our CBSE NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science consists of 1 exercise and 5 IN-Text question sets. The solutions given to them are in an easy to understand way.