CBSE Class 10 Science Board Question Paper 2019 with Solutions - Free PDF
CBSE Class 10 Science Board Question Paper 2019 with Solutions
FAQs on CBSE Class 10 Science Board Question Paper 2019 with Solutions
1. How many chapters are there in CBSE Class 10 Science?
According to the CBSE's most recent syllabus, the NCERT Science textbook for Class 10 has a total of 16 Chapters. The chapters included in CBSE Class 10 NCERT Science Syllabus NCERT are as follows:
Chemical Reactions And Equations.
Acids, Bases And Salts
Metals And Non-metals
Carbon And Its Compounds
Periodic Classification Of Elements
Life Processes
Control And Coordination
How Do Organisms Reproduce
Heredity And Evolution
Human Eye And Colorful World
Sources Of Energy
Our Environment
Management Of Natural Resources
Light Refraction And Reflection
Magnetic Effect Of Electric Current
2. What is the ecosystem and what are its components?
It is a mixture of an artificial ecosystem and natural ecosystem. You will also read about the components of an ecosystem which are biotic and abiotic factors. Biotic factors include producers, consumers and decomposers. Abiotic factors include climatic factors and edaphic factors.
3. Explain about wildlife and forests concept from chapter 16 of Class 10 science.
Here, the students will be introduced to the biodiversity hotspots. You shall also read about the plants and wildlife in a particular habitat. Why our ecosystem is getting damaged with the loss of biodiversity has been taught here. In the other part of the chapter we’ll be discussing:
Stakeholders of forest
Industrialists’ mentality and influence
People intervention in forests
Damage to forests and Wildlife
Sustainable development
Chipko movement
4. What are the main concepts that are covered in Chapter 2 acids, bases and salts? How many exercise questions are there in this chapter?
Acids, Bases and Salts is the second chapter of CBSE Board Class 10 Science Book. This chapter will teach you about the chemical properties of various substances. You will also come across concepts like acids and bases in the laboratory, more about salts, the family of salts, PH of salts, chemicals from common salts, are the crystals of salts really dry, how strong are acid or base solution, the reaction of metallic oxides with acids, the reaction of non-metallic oxides with base and how do acids and bases react with metals. Our CBSE NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science consists of 1 exercise and 5 IN-Text question sets. The solutions given to them are in an easy to understand way.