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CBSE Class 10 Social Science Question Paper for 2017 - Free PDF Download


Social Science SST Question Paper for CBSE Class 10 - 2017 - Free PDF Download

Class 10 is a very important academic point for the students because the roads of further lives are dependent on this phase and thus scoring good marks is very much essential in these exams. Vedantu is a platform that provides free CBSE Solutions (NCERT) and other study materials for students. You can download Class 10 Maths and Class 10 Science NCERT Solutions to help you to revise the complete syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

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CBSE Class 10 Social Science Question Paper for 2017 - Free PDF Download
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Significance of Social Science Class 10 Board Question Paper 2017

The 2017 CBSE Social Science question paper is one of the most logical question papers that was set in the decade. This question paper provides students with all the important aspects that are required to cover up the syllabus in an effective manner. Further, this question paper also offers valuable insight into all the necessary aspects of the subject. When students prepare for Social Science, they need to have a thorough understanding of all the formats and the ways the marks are distributed over a different section of the questions. They can easily prepare for their examinations effectively and score good marks in their board examinations.

Exam Pattern

The exam pattern for class 10 social science is as follows:

  • India and the Contemporary World – I : 10 Marks

  • Contemporary India – I : 10 Marks

  • Democratic Politics – I : 10 Marks

  • Economics : 10 Marks

The Social Science question paper will have 50 questions divided into four sections.

  • Section A will have 24 questions out of which any 20 need to be attempted.

  • Section B will have 22 questions out of which any 18 need to be attempted.

  • Section C will have 12 questions (Case-based) out of which any 10 need to be attempted.

  • Section D will have 2 map-based questions. Both questions are compulsory.

  • Question paper will be of 40 marks.

  • All questions in the paper would carry equal weightage.

  • There will be no negative marking.


Internal Assessment will carry 10 marks.


Solved Examples

Q1. What is Liberalization? What Are the Impacts of Liberalization?


Liberalization Means

It is removing all the barriers or restrictions that have previously been formed by the government.

Impacts of Liberalization

  • Competition among producers will help improve their performance within the country.

  • Barriers to foreign trade and foreign investment were removed to a large extent. 

  • The foreign companies will now be allowed to come up with their offices and boost production.

  • It allows us to make decisions freely.

  • The competition would improve producers’ performance within the country as they can improve their output in terms of quality.

Q2. What Are the Positive Effects of Globalization?


Positive Effects of Globalization

  • There is a greater choice before consumers. They enjoy improving quality at lower prices.

  • Now, the people of modern society can enjoy much higher standards of living.

  • Local companies supplying raw materials have prospered.

  • The leading companies in our country have benefitted from increased competition.

  • Some Indian companies have gained from a successful collaboration with foreign companies.

  • Most MNCs have been heavily increasing their investments in the country over the past 20 years. Mostly in automobiles, electronics, cell phones, soft drinks, etc.

  • Many Indian companies have already adapted to the tag of multinationals, representing themselves as an individual identity.

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FAQs on CBSE Class 10 Social Science Question Paper for 2017 - Free PDF Download

1. Is there any significance in preparing from CBSE Class 10 Social Science question paper 2017 solved last year?

Yes, it is entirely reliable to prepare for your upcoming examinations in Social Science, using the 2017 Social Science question paper. The solved examination paper allows students preparing for their forthcoming tests to come up with their best during the examinations in Social Science. The solved paper provides the students with an idea to cover up all the necessary questions from different parts of the CBSE board exam Social Science question paper 2017 Class 10. It is indeed one of the most reliable tools to assure maximum mark gains over the upcoming examinations in Social Science for all the students appearing on the CBSE boards.

2. Where can I get the CBSE Class 10 Social Science question paper 2017 free download?

Looking for a CBSE Class 10 Social Science question paper? Don’t worry. Your search for the CBSE Class 10 Social Science question paper ends here as Vedantu, an Indian online tutoring platform, will provide you with a one-stop solution. The content is focused on the Indian primary, secondary and high school curriculum, along with preparation courses for various Indian Entrance examinations. The free study materials as well as the solved or unsolved question papers can be downloaded from the Vedantu site and app. 

3. What is the significance of Social Science Class 10 Board Question Paper 2017?

The 2017 CBSE Social Science question paper helps provide a deeper understanding of all the aspects of the subject. It is imperative that students know all of the formats and how the marks are distributed in the questions when preparing for Social Science. As a result, they will be able to prepare effectively for their board examinations and get highly effective scores in them.

4. How can I understand CBSE Class 10 Social Science Question Paper 2017?

Make sure you understand the current syllabus, the exam pattern, and the books to be followed. Knowing the syllabus as well as the exam pattern will help you to understand the marking scheme for the exam, thereby helping you to develop a strategy for the preparation process. The CBSE board strongly recommends the NCERT books, so you should go through these books and solve all of the questions in them. As well as solving sample papers, building a good vocabulary, and improving your writing, you must also work on other skills. Make sure you revise and practice everything multiple times.

You must understand that Social Science is not a concept-oriented subject and cannot be mastered in a single day. A few tricks and tips need to be practiced numerous times in order to be able to score well in the subject. Social Science can be mastered only through practice, revision, and regular reading, listening, writing, and speaking. For better retention, record every answer and what you read/learn. Verify your answers and make sure you don't repeat the mistakes you made.