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When a running horse suddenly stops, the rider falls forwards
A) True
B) False

Last updated date: 29th Aug 2024
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This problem can be explained by the first law of Newton or the law of inertia.
When the horse suddenly stops, the rider falls in the forward direction due to the inertia of motion. The lower portion of the rider comes to rest along with the horse while the upper portion of the rider still continues to move forward. Hence, he falls forward.

Complete step by step answer:
When a horse stops suddenly the rider falls due to inertia as when the horse is in motion the rider also is in motion and when the horse stops suddenly there is no external force acting on the ride to stop its motion therefore the rider falls forward.
We draw a diagram to understand it better

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In this diagram the first picture shows a horse running with a velocity and when the horse stops suddenly shown in the second picture then due to inertia of motion man body does not come to rest it tries to move in the same direction with the same velocity so if the rider is not careful he can fall down.
Here a term comes from inertia. We understand inertia here.

Inertia is the tendency of a body to preserve its state of rest or uniform motion unless acted upon by an external force.
There are three types of inertia
-Inertia of rest
-Inertia of motion
-Inertia of direction

Inertia of rest- An object stays where it is placed, and it will stay there until you or something else moves it.

Inertia of motion- An object will continue at the same speed until a force acts on it.

Inertia of direction - An object will stay moving in the same direction unless a force acts on it.

So due to the inertia of motion. When the horse is in motion, the whole body of the rider is in motion. But when the horse stops suddenly the lower portion of the rider which is in contact with the horse comes to rest, but the upper portion of his body wants to remain in motion.

So the statement is true option B is correct here.

Note:In our general life we can see lots of action where inertia is involved. As when we sit in the bus and the bus suddenly starts to move then we feel a push in a backward direction due to inertia of the rest of our body.
And when the bus takes a sharp turn to the left side then our body feels a push on the right side. This is due to inertia of rest.