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What are real and virtual images? How will you find out whether an image is real or virtual? Can virtual images be obtained on screen?

Last updated date: 28th Jun 2024
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Hint: A converging or we can say convex lens forms a real whereas the diverging lens or we can say concave lens forms the virtual image.

Step By Step Answer:
REAL IMAGE: A real image is also known as inverted image. The size of the image depends upon the placement of the object. This image is obtained by using a concave mirror. Real images are formed in a mirror. It is formed on the different side as that of the object.

VIRTUAL IMAGE: A virtual image is also known as erect image. Plane, convex mirror and concave lens form a virtual image. Virtual image is assumed to be formed at the backside of the mirror. It is formed on the same side of the object. Virtual images can be magnified in size, reduced in size or the same size as the object.
Example: The best example of a real image is the one formed on a cinema screen. The best example of a virtual image is your reflection in the mirror.

(i) REAL IMAGE appears to intersect then is called virtual image.

seo images

$ \Rightarrow $ NO, we cannot obtain a virtual image on screen. Only Real images can be obtained on screen.

Note: The image in our eye is virtual or real; real images cannot be seen without a screen just as normally magnifying glass, a human eyepiece forms a virtual image that your eye lens uses as an object to make an image on your retina.