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What are the advantages of intercropping and crop rotation?

Last updated date: 19th Sep 2024
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Hint: Farmers use several methods to increase the crop yield from their fields. Mixed cropping and crop rotation are examples of such techniques. In mixed cropping, two or more crops are grown together at the same piece of land at the same time. Crop rotation is the practice of changing crops cultivated after a particular time.

Complete Answer:
- Mixed cropping is also known as intercropping. Here, one crop is selected as the primary crop and others, secondary crops. This type of cropping technique gives several advantages to the farmers.
- Selection of crops for mixed cropping is based on the complementary needs of both of the crops. It means that the nutrient and mineral requirements for both of the crops are different. It also enables the effective utilisation of the minerals present in the soil. In the process of mixed cropping, legumes are often mixed with cereals or tubers.
- Some legumes have the nitrogen-fixing structures present in their roots called root nodules. It is formed by the symbiotic association between nitrogen-fixing bacteria and the plant. Nitrogen fixation in the roots of these plants increases the nitrogen content in the soil which leads to an increase in the crop yield.
- Crop rotation is the practice of changing crops after a fixed period so that the fertility of the soil is restored. It also helps in decreasing soil erosion. Crops are selected in such a manner that nutrient requirements are different for both crops. By this method, the soil gets enough time to replenish the lost minerals and nutrients.

Note: In the process of intercropping, crop selection is also based on the complementary requirements of sunlight, water, fertilisers, etc. Some crops can resist harmful pests and weeds. Growing these crops along with the primary crop is done that helps in increased yields, reduced soil erosion, better adaptation to the environment, etc.