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Changes in our surroundings that make us respond to them are called.

Last updated date: 07th Sep 2024
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Hint: The neurons come in action whenever there is any change in the environment or we feel something dangerous. The brain produces stimuli or chemical signals to make our body respond towards the environment.

Complete answer:
To solve this question, we have to know about the neurons. Neurons or the nerve cells involved in the sending and receiving of signals from the brain. In the structure of the neuron axon is found that allows the transmission of chemical and electric signals to the cell. The transmission of signal may also carry out with help of dendrites. The cell body is also termed as soma that carries the genetic materials and involves in the maintenance of the structure of neurons and provides energy for the activity. The cell body consists of nucleus and specialized organelles. The axon is organelles that have tail-like structure that connect the cell body to the specialized junction termed as axon hillock. Myelin helps axon to transmit the signal. Dendrites are fibrous root like form branches from the cell body, this organelle involve the receiving and processing of the signal and are termed as dendritic trees
Now, the changes in our surroundings that make us respond to them are called stimuli. Stimuli is the event that occurs in the behavior of an organism due to the environment and it results in physiological response. For example, when we walk on a hot sunny day we start sweating and feel dehydrated. Sometimes we feel very tired, this response is due to the stimulus that is produced by our nervous system in response to the summer.

Note: The touching of a hot pan and in response removal of our hand from the hot pan is also an example of stimuli. Whenever we touch a hot pan the cells get activated and transfer signal to the brain, the brain recognizes the danger and sends instructions to remove the hand.