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Chlorophyll a occurs in
(A) All photosynthetic autotrophs
(B) In all higher plants
(C) All oxygen liberating autotrophs
(D) All plants except fungi

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
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Hint: Chlorophyll a is the pigment which is present in the thylakoid membrane of the plants. This pigment is very important for the plants to produce their own food by the process of photosynthesis. This pigment is made up of magnesium.

Complete answer:
Photosynthesis happens in the green parts of the plants like leaves and stem. The most dynamic photosynthetic tissue in higher plants occurs in the mesophyll of leaves. Mesophyll cells have numerous chloroplasts, which contains the light trapping pigment called chlorophylls.
At the point when chlorophyll ingests light, it gets energized and releases electrons which is useful for the production of the food to the plants. Chlorophyll a is the essential primary pigment. It shows blue-green shading in the chromatogram. Chlorophyll a is present in all oxygen liberating autotrophs. It is a widespread photosynthetic pigment. It is available in the response habitats of Photosystem I and Photosystem II which ingests light energy of longer frequency. These photosynthetic centers in leaves can deliver endless supply of energy.
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Hence the correct answer is option(C)
Note: This chlorophyll pigment is fundamental in eukaryotes, cyanobacteria, and prochlorophytes as it contributes an electron in the process of electron transport chain in cellular respiration. Except bacteria it is found in all green organisms.