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Choose the appropriate synonym for the given word:
a- Rub
b- Sharpen
c- Quench
d- Erase

Last updated date: 06th Sep 2024
Total views: 427.5k
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Hint: A synonym is a word that is exactly or partially the same in meaning as another word. For example, attentive is a synonym for the alert. ‘Slake’ refers to satisfying or satiating one’s thirst.

Complete answer:
 The word, ‘slake’ has been derived from the Old English word- Slack.
We know the meaning and the origin of the word, ‘slake’. Now, let’s look at its usage:
For example- The young boy slaked his thirst with ice. Here, we can conclude that a young boy, X, quenched or satisfied his thirst with ice.
Let’s examine the meaning of the given options-
Option a- ‘Rub’ refers to massaging or stroking someone or something in a back and forth motion. Example- She rubbed my back. ‘Rub’ is different in meaning to ‘slake’. Hence, it is an incorrect option.
Option b- ‘Sharpen’ refers to grinding or filing something to make it sharp. Example- The teacher asked me to sharpen her pencil. ‘Sharpen’ is different in meaning to ‘slake’. Hence, it is an incorrect option.
Option c- ‘Quench’ refers to satisfying or taking the edge off of one’s thirst. Example- Mother gave her lemonade to quench her thirst. ‘Quench’ is similar in meaning to ‘slake’. Hence, it is an incorrect option.
Option d- ‘Erase’ refers to deleting or striking out something. Example- She erased the answers from the board. ‘Erase’ is different in meaning to ‘slake’. Hence, it is an incorrect option.
So, the correct answer is “Option c”.

 Some other synonyms of ‘slake’ are; satisfy, sate, satiate, etc. While some antonyms of ‘slake’ are; disappoint, upset, worsen, etc.