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Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of
a) Insincerity
b) Quickness
c) Illusion
d) Innocence

Last updated date: 19th Sep 2024
Total views: 445.5k
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Hint: Synonyms are words having similar meanings. The word ‘CELERITY’ is referred to as denoting swiftness or agility of a noun.
Example: We were taken aback by the celebrity's reply.

Complete answer:
Option a – Insincerity:
The adjective which tells us about the non-serious and playful nature of a noun towards any situation or activity.
Example: His insincerity caused a fatal accident.
Option b – Quickness:
The speed at which a noun completes any action is called its quickness. The lesser time it takes more quickly the noun is at completing the said action.
Example: The quickness of the snake’s attack could not be seen through the naked eye.
Option c – Illusion:
Illusion refers to a point where there is a misinterpretation of facts, data, position, or nature of a noun. Also is used to refer to acts of magic which are considered as illusionary acts.
Example: The illusions presented by the artist entertained us a lot.
Option d – Innocence
A state or nature of a person where he/she is devoid of any crime, offense, or corruption.
Example: His innocence was proven in the court of law.

The word which best expresses the word ‘CELERITY’ is option b - ‘Quickness’.

Note: The word celerity defines the speed of a noun, so does the word quickness. Both words are used to describe the speed of a noun to complete an action.