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Choose the option which best expresses the meaning of the given word.
a) abort
b) span
c) shorten
d) cross

Last updated date: 07th Sep 2024
Total views: 427.8k
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Hint: The word ‘abridge’ refers to ‘shorten (a piece of writing) without losing the sense’. This word is usually used as a verb. The noun form of this word is ‘abridgment’.

Complete answer:
The given word can be used in a sentence in the following way:
For example, in the sentence ‘The introduction in the speech was abridged as it was too lengthy, people would have lost interest’, the past form of the word ‘abridge’ is used. It is used in this particular sentence to illustrate the fact that the introduction was too long. So, it was cut short so that people remain interested. The word ‘abridge’ is often used in a literary sense. It is used to make the sentence more succinct.

Now, we know the meaning and usage of the given word. So, let’s look at the given options:

a) abort - The word ‘abort’ refers to ‘bring to a premature end because of a problem or fault’. This word has a completely different meaning to the given word. This is not the synonym of ‘abridge’. This is not the required answer. So, this is an incorrect option.
b) span - The word ‘span’ refers to ‘the full extent of something from end to end; the amount of space that something covers’. This word has a very different meaning to the given word. This is not the synonym of ‘abridge’. This is not the required answer. So, this is an incorrect option.
c) shorten - The word ‘shorten’ refers to ‘make or become shorter’. This word has the exact same meaning as the given word. This is the synonym of ‘abridge’. This is the required answer. So, this is the correct option.
d) cross - The word ‘cross’ refers to ‘go or extend across or to the other side of’. This word has a different meaning to the given word. This is not the synonym of ‘abridge’. This is not the required answer. So, this is an incorrect option.

Try to understand the context of the given word, and look through the given options.
Differentiate between each of the options as they have a difference in meaning. Choose the most appropriate option i.e. the option that is closest in meaning to the given word.