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Choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word.
a) Arrogant
b) Benign
c) Respectful
d) Pious

Last updated date: 06th Sep 2024
Total views: 427.5k
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Hint: The word ‘profane’ refers to ‘not respectful of religious practice; irreverent'. This word is usually used as an adjective. Another antonym of this word is ‘impious’.

Complete answer:
Antonyms are words that have contrasting, or the opposite,
meanings, in the same language. For example, the words ‘hot-cold’, ‘confident-diffident’,
and ‘boring-interesting’ are all pairs of antonyms.

The word ‘profane’ can be used in a sentence in the following way:
For example, in the sentence ‘The professor gave us an informative lecture on the profane practices of the old times’, the word ‘profane’ is used to describe the noun ‘practises’. This word is used to tell us what the lecture was all about.

Now, we know the meaning and usage of the given word. Let’s look at the given options:

a) arrogant - The word ‘arrogant’ refers to ‘having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities'. This word has a completely different meaning to the given word. This is not the antonym of ‘profane’. This is not the required answer. So, this is an incorrect option.
b) benign - The word ‘benign’ refers to ‘gentle and kind'. This word has a very different meaning to the given word. This is not the antonym of ‘profane’. This is not the required answer. So, this is an incorrect option.
c) respectful - The word ‘respectful’ refers to ‘feeling or showing deference and respect’. This word has a similar meaning to the given word, but this is not the antonym of ‘profane’. This is not the required answer. So, this is an incorrect option.
d) pious - The word ‘pious’ refers to ‘devoutly religious'. This word has the exact opposite meaning of the given word. This is the antonym of ‘profane’. This is the required answer. So, this is the correct option.

 Try to understand the meaning of the given word, and understand the meaning of each of the given options. Then, choose the option that has the exact opposite meaning of the given word.