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Choose the word which is closest to the opposite in meaning to the italicised word and fill in the blank.
Elevation and ____________ are important features of geographical study.
A. Reduction
B. Compression
C. Retardation
D. Depression

Last updated date: 19th Sep 2024
Total views: 426.6k
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Hint: The italicized word here is ‘elevation’ which means a state of being raised to a higher position or rank, a higher ground, difference between bottom and top of something. Example: The elevation of the building is large.

Complete step by step answer:
Let us analyze each option to know the correct answer.

Reduction: The word reduction means a decrease in a value or entity, the action of being less. Example: The reduction in the prices of real estate has caused a worrying situation for the owners. This is not the intended answer.
Compression: The word ‘compression’ means the act or state of being compressed, which means to save space or reduce something in size to have more room, to make something smaller. Example: These files need compression to get uploaded. This does not mean the opposite of the word ‘elevation’.
Retardation: The word ‘retardation’ means the state or process of being retarded which means the slowness in progress or development. It also means intellectual disability, hindrance. Example: The chemical caused retardation in the growth of the cells. This does not mean the opposite of the given word.
Depression: The word ‘depression’ means the state or act of being depressed which means a reduction in level or declined strength. Clinically, it is a state of utter sadness and anxiety in an individual. Example: The short circuit caused a depression in electronic appliances. This is the opposite of the meaning of the word ‘elevation’.

So, the correct answer is “Option D”.

Do not confuse the correct answer with the word ‘reduction’, as we do not intend the meaning like a decrease in a value or the act of lessening. The state of being raised is elevation, therefore, a decline in level will be its opposite meaning. Some more synonyms of the same word are rise, upgrade, promotion. Some of its antonyms are degradation, demotion. Example: There has been a degradation in his rank due to his poor performance.