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Ciliated epithelium is present in the

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
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Hint: Ciliated epithelium contains hair-like cilia in the cells and they are mainly columnar. They are found in various places in our body, mainly where filtration is required. They are most prone to common cold viruses such as influenza.

Complete answer:
The trachea contains ciliated epithelium. Other than that, the bronchioles of the respiratory system and fallopian tubes of the female reproductive system have ciliated epithelium. They are known by the name because of the presence of 200-300hair like cilia in each cell.

Additional Information: Ciliated epithelium of simple ciliated columnar epithelium is mainly found in the nasal tract, trachea, bronchioles of the respiratory tract, and in the uterus, fallopian tubes of the female reproductive system, and also in the central part of the spinal cord. An interesting fact is that these cells are the most prone to common cold viruses that infect these cells and may kill or stop the cilia bearing. As a result, mucus builds up. This cell plays a very important role in the transport of the egg cells towards the uterus, as it lines the lumen of the uterine tube.
The lumen of the ureter consists mainly of stratified, transitional epithelium which is also known as urothelium. Along with lamina propria, the epithelium acts as a protective layer.
Simple columnar epithelium, consisting of absorptive cells, lines the mucosa of the small intestine. They contain scattered goblet cells and enteroendocrine cells. In the crypt of the intestine, it also contains Paneth and stem cells. The epithelial cells of the Intestine (IECs) act as a physical and biochemical barrier to segregate host tissues and bacteria. This maintains intestinal homeostasis.
The endocardium of the heart has 3 layers, one of which is the endothelium consisting of simple squamous epithelium.
Therefore, the correct answer is the trachea.

Note: The epithelium in the trachea has cilia to filter the air coming to the lungs from the outside. It makes sure that pathogens and dust cannot enter the lung. The epithelium also helps in maintaining moisture and protects the trachea from infections and tissue injury as well as helps in the facilitation of gases.
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