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What is the conversion between torr and barometric pressure?

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Hint : Barometric pressure is just another name of pressure and barometric pressure is equal to atmospheric pressure. Thus barometric pressure is nothing but \[1\] atm. And torr is just another unit of barometric pressure.

Complete Step By Step Answer:
Pressure is force per unit area applied on any surface. Pressure can be also called barometric pressure, and it has many units. Such as atmospheres (atm), mmHg (torr), bar, Pascals (Pa), psi, etc.
Barometric pressure is nothing but atmospheric pressure which is just force per unit area applied by the atmosphere on the earth’s surface. Thus units of pressure can be used with respect to barometric pressure too.
The torr is just one unit of barometric pressure whose value is 1mmHg.
And by experiments it has been proven that \[1\] atm is \[760\] mmHg. Thus, \[760\] mmHg gives \[760\] torr.
This experiment was conducted on a Torricelli barometer and it has shown that the mercury inside it rises to \[760\] mm when subjected to \[1\] atm.
Thus by experimental results, it has been proven that \[1\] atm is equal to \[760\] mmHg, and as \[1\] mmHg is equal to \[1\] torr, \[760\] mmHg is equal to \[760\] torr
Various value have also been proven to be equal to 1atm, such as
\[1\] atm = \[760\] mmHg = \[760\] torr = \[101.3\] KPa = \[14.7\] psi
Thus, this was the conversion between torr and barometric pressure.

Note :
To convert one unit to another, we have to remember the unit and its conversion. Here, torr has the same value as mmHg, thus one can be used in the exchange for the other.