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What is the difference between dense regular and dense irregular connective tissues?

Last updated date: 06th Sep 2024
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Hint: Connective tissues are used to connect and support all other types of tissues in the whole body. It is the same as that of normal tissue. It consists of cells surrounded by the fluid called the extracellular matrix. Some of the special connective tissues are reticular, bone, blood, cartilage and adipose tissues. The function of connective tissue is binding and supporting, protecting, insulating, storing reserve fuel and transporting substance within the body. This tissue has various levels of vascularity.

Complete explanation:
Difference between dense regular and irregular connective tissues:
S.NODense regular connective tissueDense irregular connective tissue
1This tissue has the collagen fibres present in the rows in between the parallel bundles of fibres. Many fibres are oriented differently and the tissue has fibroblasts.
2It provides a strong connection between tissues at the structural parts of the body.It surrounds blood vessels, nerves and organs which hold the epithelium.
3It consists of fewer cells.It consists of many cells.
4It contains fibrocytes.It contains fibroblasts.
5In this tissue fibres are loosely arranged.This tissue consists of numerous thick fibres.
6It has parallel fibres.It has a woven network of fibers.
7Tears are stressed in the wrong direction.Tears are stressed in many directions.
8It is found in tendons and ligaments.It is found in the lower level of the skin.
9It is on the outside of the skin.It is in the inner portion of the skin.
10Cell population is a single type and sparse.Decreased number of cells. ground substances, densities of blood and lymphatic vessels.

Connective tissues have two components : cells and matrix. Cells are classified as fixed and wandering. Matrix is classified as ground substance and fibers. Connective tissue has ordinary and special types of tissues. In ordinary type loose and dense tissue is available. Dense tissue has regular and irregular classification of tissues. Connective tissues are used to store the fat and help to move the nutrients and other important substances between tissues and organs.