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Discuss the importance of turgor pressure in life activities of plants.

Last updated date: 28th Jun 2024
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Hint: Turgor pressure working by fluid in a cell. The turgor pressure is against the cell wall. It makes living plant tissue rigid. Loss of turgor affects the loss of water from plant cells. And causes flowers and leaves to wilt. By getting Turgor pressure back helps it to regain the water in its cells and it back to its straight, upright position.

Complete answer:
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• As we already know, turgor pressure has a vital role in the life of a plant. Here is the importance of turgor pressure in plants:
• The shape of the cells of the plant is maintained by the turgor pressure.
• The cells gain rigidity with the help of turgor pressure and it helps in maintaining their structure.
• The opening and closing of stomata are the results of turgor pressure. The high turgor pressure results in the opening of the stomata and low turgor pressure results in closing of the stomata.
• However, the cells and organelles are made to remain stretched.
• The soft tissues like the parenchyma gain support from turgor pressure.
• We can see that the leaves are properly oriented in the plant, it is made by the turgor pressure. It is also responsible for making their surface presented to light.

Note: One can say that the cells of the plant are the same like in our own cells. But they are surrounded by a cell wall. Thus, we can say that the rigid and sturdy structure of the plant is given by the cell wall. However, the plants need a certain expanse of compression to make certain that the cell wall stays rigid. Hence, we can define the pressure from fluid inside the cell which is aggressive and against the cell wall is termed turgor pressure.