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How do you divide 262 by 9 using long division?

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Hint: In this problem, we have to divide 292 by 9 using the method of long division. After division if we get the remainder as zero that means 262 is completely divisible by 9. 262 is the dividend and 9 is its divisor. According to the long division:
Dividend = $divisor\times quotient+remainder$
We can even check the dividend after computing the long division by the above formula.

Complete step-by-step answer:
Now, let’s discuss the question.
As we know that long division is simply a method used for dividing large numbers into groups or parts. It helps in breaking the division problem into a sequence of easier steps. In long division the large number is called the dividend, which is to be divided by another number called the divisor and gives a result called the quotient and sometimes a remainder too. If remainder is not obtained it means that the dividend is completely divisible by that divisor. Formula for dividend is:
Dividend = $divisor\times quotient+remainder$
This formula helps us to verify the division if the performed steps are correct or not.
Now, let’s perform all the steps for this question too.
  & 262 \\
 & 18 \\
 & \overline{082} \\
 & \text{ 81} \\
 & \overline{\text{ }01} \\
We got the quotient as 29 and remainder as 1 which means 262 is not completely divisible by 9.

Note: If you wish to verify that all the steps performed above are correct or not, then use the dividend formula to check.
Dividend = $divisor\times quotient+remainder$
Dividend = $9\times 29+1$
Now, using BODMAS rule, solve:
Dividend = 262
So the answer is verified.