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How do you express $ 0.13 $ in a percentage?

Last updated date: 20th Sep 2024
Total views: 407.1k
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Hint: To convert it into a percentage, we need to multiply with $ 100 $ to get a solution. It’s common for every problem. It is easy to convert a fraction into percentage, but in the case of decimal value, we need first convert it into percentage form and then we have to convert it into percentage.

Complete step-by-step answer:
Percentage is also compared with the ratio. Many topics like Mixture and alligation, Profit and loss, etc.., use this ratio method to solve many problems.
Considering the given question, we get,
 $ 0.13 $
Multiply the above number with $ 100 $ the equation becomes,
 $ 0.13\times 100 = 13\% $
This is our required solution.
So, the correct answer is “ $ 13\% $ ”.

Note: Let consider a problem, convert $ 0.987 $ in to percentage and now change this into fraction, we get $ \dfrac{{987}}{{1000}} $ , to convert it into percentage we have to multiply it with $ 100 $ we get $ 98.7\% $ . This is our required answer. This is just another model which seems to be confusing and there are three different models in this topic. If you find time, go through all those problems.