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Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word.
Anita ____ me of a girl I used to know.
a- remembers
b- recalls
c- recollects
d- reminds

Last updated date: 26th Jun 2024
Total views: 400.8k
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Hint: The usage of ‘a girl I used to know’ indicates that Anita reminds X of a girl she used to know. ‘Remind’ refers to jogging someone’s memory or nudging someone.

Complete answer:
The word, ‘remind’ has been derived from the English word- Rememorate.
We know the meaning and the origin of the word, ‘remind’. Now, let’s look at its usage-
For example- She reminds me of a young girl who used to live in my colony. Here, we can understand that X reminds Y of a young girl who used to live in her colony.
Let’s decipher the meaning of the given options-
Option a- ‘remember’ refers to recalling or recollecting something from the past. For example- I was able to remember her birthday. ‘Remember’ is different in meaning to the given context. Hence, it is an incorrect option.
Option b- ‘recall’ refers to remembering or thinking of someone or something from the past. For example- He was unable to recall being taken to the hospital. ‘Recall’ is different in meaning to the given context. Hence, it is an incorrect option.
Option c- ‘recollect’ refers to recalling or remembering someone or something. For example- The patient was unable to recollect his memories. ‘Recollect’ is different in meaning to the given context. Hence, it is an incorrect option.
Option d- ‘remind’ refers to jogging someone’s memory. ‘Remind’ is similar in meaning to the given context. Hence, it is the correct option. The correct answer is Option ‘d’.

 Some synonyms of ‘remind’ are; reminisce, retain, retrospect, etc while some antonyms of ‘remind’ are; forget, ignore, etc.