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Fill in the blank with the most suitable pronoun from the options given:
The woman ________ gave me the money was quite young.
A. Which
B. Whose
C. Who
D. Whom

Last updated date: 19th Sep 2024
Total views: 418.2k
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Hint: The given sentence is a complex sentence that is made up of two independent sentences: “The woman gave me the money”, “the woman was quite young”. These two sentences are joined together by a relative pronoun that works as a conjunction. We will choose the option which refers to a person as required by the sentence.

Complete answer:
Let us analyse each option individually in detail to figure out the correct option with the help of the above stated hint.

Which : The relative pronoun ‘which’ refers to the non living objects. It points out a specific object. Example: The car which is red in colour. Therefore, this is not the correct option.

Whose : The relative pronoun ‘whose’ refers to a subject’s possession or ownership. Example: The rose whose petals are bloomed. Therefore, this is not the correct option.

Who: The relative pronoun ‘who’ refers to a person in particular. Example: The man who lives in the next house. Therefore , this is the correct option.

Whom: The relative pronoun ‘whom’ refers to an object or the receiver of the action. Example: The person whom you were looking for. Therefore, this is not the correct option.

Hence, the correct answer is option ‘C’.

Note:The relative pronoun ‘who’ which is our answer is a nominative case, which means it is the subject or the doer of a particular action. In the given sentence, we are talking about a woman who gave the speaker money. Therefore , the woman is the doer of the action. That is why we have used the relative pronoun ‘who’ to refer to the woman.