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What happens when zinc granules are added to hydrochloric acid?

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
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Hint: As we know that the hydrochloric acid is a very strong acid having molecular formula \[HCl\]. The particle size of zinc granules is large in comparison with the zinc powder. Due to the large surface area, zinc is used in the form of granules in the production process of hydrogen gas.

Complete answer:
We have to know that the reaction between zinc granules and hydrochloric acid is a single displacement or replacement reaction. The reaction can be represented below:
\[Zn + HCl \to {H_2} + ZnC{l_2}\]
Zinc granules are the solid crystals of zinc. Zinc reacts easily with the acid to produce hydrogen bubbles. It is a single replacement reaction in which hydrogen is displaced by zinc metal to form hydrogen gas and a salt, zinc chloride. To form bubbles of hydrogen, zinc reacts rapidly with the acid. Zinc chloride is formed when Zn is combined with dilute sulfuric acid and hydrogen gas is liberated. The reaction is exothermic, and thus the reaction generates heat. When dilute hydrochloric acid is added to granulated zinc placed in a test tube, zinc metal is converted to zinc chloride and hydrogen gas is evolved in the reaction. In the reaction we can see that a zinc chloride salt is formed and hydrogen gas is evolved. The evolved hydrogen gas is colorless and odorless.

 We need to know that the displacement reaction is also known as replacement reaction. In these types of reaction the atoms in the reaction get displaced to form a different product. The reaction between zinc granules and hydrochloric acid is a single displacement reaction. But there is also a double displacement reaction.