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House lizard shows autotomy.
a) True
b) False

Last updated date: 12th Sep 2024
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Hint: House lizard is a small and thin lizard with small scales and a colored pattern that is generally brownish or greyish. They can be tinged with green occasionally. The row of spots make a line on their back and have a reticulated pattern with dark spots on the side in some species.

Complete answer:
House lizards show autotomy which is also known as self-amputation that includes the behavior in which the animal sheds or discards one or more than its appendages which is usually a type of self-defense mechanism. They do this to elude the predator's grass or to distract the predator which allows them to escape. they can read and re-read the lost body parts later and have multiple evolutionary origins which are evolved at least nine times independently. The lizards try to escape by shedding the part of the tale and create a deceptive sense of continuous struggle by distracting the predator's attention. The animal may be able to partially regenerate its tail which depends upon the species and takes place over weeks or months. It contains cartilage rather than the regenerated vertebrae of bone in the new tail section with the color and texture of the skin of the regenerating organ that generally dispersed distinctly from its original appearance.

Additional information:
Butterfly: A butterfly is an insect which constitutes colored wings and fluttering flight. They are often polymorphic and make use of camouflage and mimicry to evade their predators. Some of them act like pests and other species help with the pollination as the agents of some plants. Some live as mutualists in association with ants. The black and brown color of the butterflies is due to the pigment melanin in and uric acid derivatives which gives them a yellow color.
Garden lizard: The garden lizard is an insectivore which constitutes a large tail. The males are highly territorial during the breeding season. They interviewed by brightening their redheads and doing push-ups. They attract the female by inflating their throat and drawing attention towards their handsomely colored head.

So, the correct answer is option a) True.
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Lizards constitute 6000 species and can move their eyelids. They can live in any environment and do not need water to survive as they absorb water from their food. They are cold-blooded and create sunshine for their survival.