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Identification 1.indian national Congress session: Calcutta (Sep 1920) Nagpur (Dec 1920) Madras (1927) Lahore (1929)
2.Important centers of Indian national movement (Non-cooperation Civil Disobedience Movement) (i)Champaran (Bihar) - movement of indigo planners (ii) Kheda (Gujrat) Peasant Satyagraha (iii) Ahmedabad (Gujrat) - Cotton Mill Workers Satyagraha (iv) Amritsar (Punjab) - Jallianwala Bagh incident (v) Chauri Chaura (U.P) - calling of non-cooperation movement (vi) Dandi Gujarat Civil Disobedience.

Last updated date: 22nd Jul 2024
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Hint:All these movements are related to the Indian political history which has changed the condition of India and is known all over the world. The Satyagraha and movements were the songs that people were struggling with since the earlier time for Justice.

Complete answer:
Indian National Congress session: Nagpur (1920)The president of this is Vijay Raghav Cheriar.The Muslim league got connected with the Congress in this session. The motive of this is to visualize secularism.
Calcutta September (1920) The president of this session is Lala Lajpat Rai it is related to the non-cooperation movement. In this session, Gandhi Ji wrongly predicted if the Non-cooperation movement gets successful swaraj could be attained.
Madras (1927)The main objective of this session is Purna Swaraj (Complete freedom)the president of this session is Jawaharlal Nehru.
Lahore (1929) this session is also led by the president Jawaharlal Nehru and the resolution of Purna Swaraj was passed in this session.
(I)Champaran (Bihar) - the movement of indigo planners is related to the indigo growing Britishers forced Indian farmers to grow the indigo but the fertility of soil got affected so farmers used to ignore it. Later Satyagraha was conducted by Gandhi Ji.
(II) Kheda (Gujrat) - This satyagraha was in 1918 this satyagraha is related to paying taxes because in that year due to famine the farmers were unable to pay the tax so they requested to scrapped it
(III) Ahmedabad Gujarat Cotton Mill satyagraha is related to the wage increment of workers who worked in mil and its end up in peaceful agreement.
(IV)Amritsar Punjab Jallianwala Bagh incident is a day Baisakhi and the act was passed by general sure according to which crowd of people not allowed.
(V)Chauri Chaura (U.P) - calling of non-cooperation movement Gandhi Ji suspended the non-cooperation movement because Indian protesters attacked the police station where many British officers were killed.
(VI)Dandi Gujarat Civil Disobedience. It is related to the salt this Saturday was conducted to break the salt law made by the British was started from 12 March 1930 to 6 April 1932 from Dandi to Sabarmati.

Note:These all movements and satyagraha were against the British and their own law and somewhere it got successful. The Champaran Satyagraha was the very first Satyagraha which was led by Gandhiji which was considered the most important revolt in the Indian Independence movement.