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In a fermentation tank, molasses solution is mixed with yeast enzymes. After three days alcohol was observed. The speed of the reaction in this case is:
(A) Slow
(B) Medium
(C) Fast
(D) Very fast

Last updated date: 30th Jun 2024
Total views: 336k
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Hint :Fermentation is a metabolic process that uses enzymes to cause chemical changes in organic substrates. It is described as the extraction of energy from carbohydrates in the absence of oxygen in biochemistry. It may also refer to any procedure in which the action of microbes results in a beneficial alteration to a food or beverage in the food industry. Zymology is the scientific study of fermentation.

Complete Step By Step Answer:
Fermentation is the most common way for bacteria to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP) through anaerobic breakdown of organic materials. Fermentation has been utilised by humans to make meals and drinks since the Neolithic period. Fermentation, for example, is used to preserve lactic acid, which is present in sour foods like pickled cucumbers, kombucha, kimchi, and yoghurt, as well as to make alcoholic drinks like wine and beer. Fermentation occurs in all species' gastrointestinal systems, including humans. The fermentation response of molasses solution is combined with yeast enzymes in a fermentation tank. The reaction takes a long time to complete. One glucose molecule is transformed into two ethanol molecules and two carbon dioxide molecules during ethanol fermentation. It's used to make bread dough rise by forming bubbles that stretch the dough into a foam. The intoxicating ingredient in alcoholic beverages including wine, beer, and liquor is ethanol. Sugarcane, corn, and sugar beets are among the feedstocks fermented to make ethanol, which is then added to fuel. It supplies energy to some fish species, such as goldfish and carp, when oxygen is short (along with lactic acid fermentation).
Hence option a is correct.

Note :
Molasses is a viscous substance made from sugarcane or sugar beets that has been refined into sugar. Molasses are different depending on the amount of sugar, the technique of extraction, and the age of the plant. In the United States, Canada, and other countries, sugarcane molasses is largely used for sweetening and flavouring dishes. Fine commercial brown sugar contains molasses, which is a distinguishing feature. It's also one of the main elements in rum distillation.