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In North west corner rule the allocation is done in
${\text{A}}{\text{.}}$ Upper left corner
${\text{B}}{\text{.}}$ Upper right corner
${\text{C}}{\text{.}}$ Middle cell in the transportation table
${\text{D}}{\text{.}}$ Cell with the lowest cost.

Last updated date: 28th Jun 2024
Total views: 440.7k
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Hint: North West Corner method is used to compute the initial feasible solution. This method starts from the north west (i.e., upper left) cell. The concept of Graphical Solution of a Linear Equation will be used.

Complete step-by-step answer:

According to the question, it is asked that in North west corner rule the allocation is done in
So, the North West Corner method is used to compute the initial feasible solution. This method starts from the north west (i.e., upper left) cell.

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From the figure above, we can clearly see that 20 units are assigned to the first cell (i.e., upper left) that satisfies the demand of D.

So, option A is the correct Answer.

Note: Try to attempt the question with the help of Graphical Solution of a Linear Equation. A graphic solution can be done by hand (on graph paper), or with the use of a graphing calculator. Graphing a system of linear equations is as simple as graphing two straight lines. When the lines are graphed, the solution will be the $\left( {x,y} \right)$ ordered pair where the two lines intersect (cross).