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In the question below are given two sentences numbered I and II. In these sentences, two homonyms are given in italics type, which may be either misspelled or inappropriate in the context of the sentence. Read both the sentences carefully and decide on their correctness based on the italicized words.
Order for ten bails of cotton
He was released on the bale.
A) The only sentence I is correct
B) Only sentence II is correct
C) Both sentences I and II are correct
D) I as well as II are incorrect, but both could be made correct by interchanging the italicized words
E) Neither I nor II is correct, and the sentence could not be made correct by interchanging the italicized words.

Last updated date: 19th Sep 2024
Total views: 392.4k
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Hint: Two words can be pronounced in the same way, but can convey two different meanings. While framing a sentence, the correct usage of the word, which conveys the appropriate meaning of the sentence should be used.

Complete answer:
Two words which have the same spelling or pronunciation but having different origin or meaning are known as homonyms. In the sentences given above, neither I nor II is correct since the word bail used in I is not the correct usage or spelling since the word bail indicates the order for the temporary release of a person from punishment while the correct word used there should be bales so that the correct sentence would be “Order for ten bales of cotton”. The second statement given is also wrong since the usage of the bale is incorrect and inappropriate since it means a wrapped bundle of cotton or hay.

Here even though sentences I and II are incorrect, upon interchanging the italicized words, it makes meaningful sentences.
Considering the other given options:
-Option A is incorrect since it only mentions that I is incorrect and considers II as correct, but it is not right since II is also incorrect.
-Similarly, option B only considers II as incorrect while here I is also incorrect
-Option C is a wrong option since it considers both the statements are right, while they are wrong sentences.
-Option E is also wrong since, even though the statements are wrong, it can be corrected by interchanging the italicized words.

Thus from the above options, the most correct and meaningful option is D, where both the statements are incorrect, but they can be corrected by interchanging the italicized words.

The corrected sentences will be:
Order for ten bales of cotton
He was released on bail.

Thus the correct answer is option ‘D’.

Note: Homophones refer to a type of homonym. While homophones are pronounced the same way but have different meanings. On the other hand, homographs are also homonyms, where the words are spelled in the same way but possess different meanings.