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Interfascicular cambium is a
(a) primary meristematic tissue
(b) primordial meristem
(c) type of protoderm
(d) secondary meristematic tissue

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Hint: These are the plant tissues that occupy the space between two vascular bundles, that undergo secondary growth to help in the formation of the cambium ring.

Complete answer:
In the very beginning, the fascicular cambium is a primary meristem, later it gets transformed into a secondary meristem, during the secondary growth. Since this cambium lies between two vascular bundles it is called interfascicular cambium.

Additional Information: -During secondary growth, cells of medullary rays, that is cells between two vascular bundles become meristematic and form the new interfascicular cambium. Therefore interfascicular cambium is also called secondary meristem.
-They increase the thickness of the plant body and produce secondary tissue.
-They are mainly present between the primary xylem and primary phloem.
-They actively divide the cells producing xylem cells towards the inner side and the phloem cells towards the outer side and hence it increases the thickness of the plant.
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So, the correct answer is, ‘secondary meristematic tissue’.

Note: -The intrafascicular and interfascicular cambium thus joined together to form a ring which separates the primary xylem and primary phloem, this ring is known as the cambium ring.
-The secondary xylem is produced inside of the ring, whereas the secondary phloem is produced outside of the ring in this way they push the primary xylem and phloem apart.
-There are two types of cells are consisted of vascular cambium:
(a) Fusiform initials: they are tall and axially oriented.
(b) Ray initials: they are smaller and round to angular in shape.