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Is tungsten a heavier element than gold?

Last updated date: 15th Sep 2024
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Hint: The tungsten is a transition as well as Trans lanthanide element discovered by Carl Wilhelm Scheele in the year of $ 1781 $ . Gold is also a transition element. Gold was officially discovered by James W Marshall in the year of $ 1848 $ . However, gold was used by early man as a medium of exchange. But the gold was given an identity in the periodic table after the discovery by marshall.

Complete answer:
Transition elements are those elements which have electrons in the d-sub shell in their most common oxidation state. However, silver, gold, mercury and copernicium are not considered as transition elements because they have fully filled d-orbital. According to the definition, the d-subshell should not be fully filled.
The transition element has four periods and ten groups. According to the periods, the names of the series are $ 3d $ series, $ 4d $ series, $ 5d $ series and $ 6d $ series. However, in groups the classification is as follows: - the scandium group, the titanium group, the vanadium group, the chromium group, the manganese group, the iron group, the cobalt group, the nickel group, the copper group and the zinc group.
The elements with more density are considered to be heavier. The density is measured in grams per centimeter cube. The density of gold is $ 19.30\,g\,c{m^{ - 3}} $ whereas the density of tungsten is $ 19.25\,g\,c{m^{ - 3}} $ .
Thus, on the basis of density we can say that gold is heavier than tungsten.

Density is the mass per unit volume. On the basis of density we consider one element to be heavier than another one. According to density, Iridium is the most heaviest element having density $ 22.65\,g\,c{m^{ - 3}} $ and lightest element is lithium having density $ 0.534\,g\,c{m^{ - 3}} $ . And the density of gold is $ 19.30\,g\,c{m^{ - 3}} $ whereas the density of tungsten is $ 19.25\,g\,c{m^{ - 3}} $ .